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ISSN: 2583-3677


Review Article

Year: 2023 |Volume: 2 | Issue: 02 |Pages: 10-14

An appraisal on Conceptual study of Garbha Sharira in Ayurveda

About Author

Deshmukh J.A.1

1PhD student, Department of Kaumarbhritya Govt. Ayurvedic College, Osmanabad.

Correspondence Address:

Dr.Jivan Ashok Deshmukh J.A. PhD student, Department of Kaumarbhritya Govt.Ayurvedic College, Osmanabad Email:

Date of Acceptance: 2023-02-14

Date of Publication:2023-04-24


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Deshmukh J.A.An appraisal on Conceptual study of Garbha Sharira in Ayurveda. AYUSCRIPT 2023;2(2):10-14


        Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical science. Which has aim to prevent from diseases. Garbha is important aspect. It means embryo or fetus. Garbha is formed by the fusion of Shukra and Shonita according to Ayurveda. Study of embryology is similar to study of Garbha sharira in Ayurveda. It includes introduction about Garbha, its vruddhikara bhavas, Masanumasika vruddhi etc. Also the whole study and knowledge regarding delivery is totally mentioned in Garbhadhana procedure. Which is beneficial in today’s era. This study is helps to know the complications, any deformity regarding Garbha. Therefore it is very important aspect in Ayurveda. The union of the spermatozoa (shukra), ovum (shonita), and soul (Atma) inside the uterus is referred to as garbha in Ayurveda (embryo). The zygote that results from the fertilisation of Shukra and Shonita grows into a foetus. The appropriate growth of the foetus depends on factors like the Ritu, Kshetra, and Ambu, among others.

Keywords : Garbha Sharira, Embryology. Masanumasik vrudhhi, Artava




Issue: 02

Volume: 2 (2023): Month - 05

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