Correspondence Address:
Dr.Surekha Pillewan. Professor, Kayachikitsa Department M. S. Ayurvedic College Hospital and Research Institute, Gondia.
Date of Acceptance: 2022-03-02
Date of Publication:2022-07-04
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
How To Cite This Article: Pillewan S. An appraisal of the Ayurvedic approach towards Kushtha Roga. AYUSCRIPT 2022;1(2):48-53 DOI
A medical condition called kushtha results in deteriorating skin. It is regarded as one of the most chronic and challenging illnesses to treat. Diet, behaviour, environment, genetics, and immunologic factors all appear to have a role in the development of Kushtha roga. Based on the Amsamsavikalpa of Dosha-dushya, Kushta has been split into seven Maha Kushtha and eleven Kshudra Kushtha. The roots of each and every Kushtha are Vata, Pitta, Kapha, and Krimi. Nidana Sevana, in accordance with Acharya Charaka, results in Prakopa of Tridosha, Ashraya in Twak, Rakta, Mamsa, and Ambu, Shaithalyatha in these Dhatus, and the emergence of Kushta Roga. Being a Tridoshajanya Vyadhi, Kushta should first address the notable Doshas before moving on to the Anubhandha Doshas. For Kaphapradhana and Doshotklesa Kushta, Vamana Karma is advised. For this reason, Raktamokshana is performed every six months, Virechana is performed once a month, and Vamana is provided every 15 days. The application of shamana therapy in the treatment of Kushtha is extremely beneficial. To satisfy the residual Doshas, Shamana Chikitsa is recommended after completing the Shodhana Karma. Immunomodulators and anti-stress agents are effective in the treatment of dermatological problems using Ayurvedic pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches.
Keywords: Kushtha, Immunologic, Dermatological, Skin, Ayurveda