Correspondence Address:
Dr. Pradumn Sunil Ambekar Ph.D. Student M.S. (Streerog-Prasutitantra) CSMSS Ayurved College, Kanchanwadi, Aurangabad. Mob No.-09403050636 Email:
Date of Acceptance: 2024-10-18
Date of Publication:2024-12-22
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
How To Cite This Article: Ambekar P., Havale A., Deshmukh J. An Update Review on Concept of Stanyakshaya and its Ayurvedic Management. AYUSCRIPT 2024;3(4):10-17 DOI:
The baby should be breastfed exclusively for the first six months after birth. Today, stanyakshaya (hypogalactia) or stanyanasha (agalactia) is a very common problem In Asian and tropical countries like India, the prevalence of lactational deficiency could be 30 - 40%. Ayurveda acharyas consider stanyakshya as a serious issue, and they thoroughly described its causes, symptoms and management. Dhatukshaya and Agnimandya are the two major causative factors that’s lead to this condition. Ayurveda aharyas described several stanyanjanana and stanyavardhaka medicine with stanyavardhakaahaaras -viharas. This article is about an update review on Concept of Stanyakshaya and its Ayurvedic management.
KEY-WORDS: Agnimandya, Dhatukshaya, Stanyakshaya, Stanyajanana and Stanyavardhaka drugs.