Correspondence Address:
Dr. Renuka Bapusaheb Chavan PG (Sch.), Dept of Shalyatanrta LKR Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Gadhinglaj, Maharahstra Email: renukachavan239@gmail.Com
Date of Acceptance: 2022-10-03
Date of Publication:2022-10-14
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: None declared
How To Cite This Article: Chavan R.B.,Pundpal A. Conceptual study of Arsha according to Doshic predominance.AYUSCRIPT 2022;1(3):49-58
One of the most prevalent disorders of the ano-rectal area that falls under the Asthamahagada is arsha (piles). The name "Arsha" is derived from "Ru Gatau" Dhatu and has the meaning of "as violent as an enemy" due to the suffix "Asun". The genesis, pathology, symptomatology, types, and management or therapy methods of Arsha are sufficiently detailed in Ayurveda. No matter their age, gender, or socioeconomic level, anybody can develop Arsha (piles). All of the Ayurvedic classics list the causes of "Arsha," including the modern sedentary lifestyle, irregular eating habits, consumption of junk food and other non-fibrous foods, mental stress, etc. This causes the digestive enzymes to function improperly, which results in constipation, itching, burning pain, and other symptoms in the Guda region. In addition to avoiding the causes of Arsha, Acharyas critically defined several Chikitsa techniques of Arsha for its prevention and treatment (Nidanaparivarjana). Acharya Sushruta described four treatment modalities for Arsha, all of which are applied based on the Dosha involved and stages of Arsha, Bheshaja Karma, Shastra Karma, Kshara Karma, Agni Karma, similarly Snehana, Swedana, Vamana, Virechana, Asthapana and Anuvasana Basti for Vataja Arsha, Virechana for Pittaj Arsha, Aharadravya mixed with Sunthi and kulatha for Kaphaj Arsha and Shamana Chikitsa for Raktaj Arsha etc.
Key-words: Arsha, Ano-rectal diseases, Nidana, Samprapti. lifestyle, Asthamahagada.