Correspondence Address:
Vd. Amit V. Doke PG Scholar, Department of Shalya Tantra., Siddhakala Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sangamner. Contact No. 9834979735
Date of Acceptance: 2022-09-30
Date of Publication:2022-10-16
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: Nill
How To Cite This Article: Doke AV, Saraf N, Ayurvedic Review on Parikartika as a Disease. AYUSCRIPT 2022;1(3):93-99
Lifestyle includes the behaviors and activities that make up your daily life. Busy schedule, change in life style, dietary habits, inadequate sleep, spicy food and suppression of natural urges while working are causes of tremendous increased in gastrointestinal disorders. These factors cause irregularities in bowel habits, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. The peoples having complaint of constipation may suffer from fissure in ano. The symptoms of fissure in ano are closely like symptoms of Parikartika.
In Ayurvedic literature regarding Parikartika is found in very scattered manner. In Charak Samhita in Siddhishtana Charak has mentioned Parikartika as a complication of Virechana and Niruha Basti. Description of Parikartika also found as a complication of various diseases like, Vataj Pakwa Atisar, Kaphaja Arsha, Udavarta in Garbhini, Unlawful use of purgatives, Sahaj Arsha, Vataj Jwara and Arsha Purvarupa etc. Here one attempt is made to introduce Parikartika as a disease itself. The main objectives are to introduce Parikartika as a disease by detailing of Nidan Panchak, specially the Rupa, Samprapti, etc. as well as to establish missing link between them.
Key words: Parikartika, fissure in Ano, Nidan Panchak.