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Review Article

Year: 2023 |Volume: 2 | Issue: 02 |Pages: 10-14

An appraisal on Conceptual study of Garbha Sharira in Ayurveda

About Author

Deshmukh J.A.1

1PhD student, Department of Kaumarbhritya Govt. Ayurvedic College, Osmanabad.

Correspondence Address:

Dr.Jivan Ashok Deshmukh J.A. PhD student, Department of Kaumarbhritya Govt.Ayurvedic College, Osmanabad Email:

Date of Acceptance: 2023-02-14

Date of Publication:2023-04-24


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Deshmukh J.A.An appraisal on Conceptual study of Garbha Sharira in Ayurveda. AYUSCRIPT 2023;2(2):10-14


        Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical science. Which has aim to prevent from diseases. Garbha is important aspect. It means embryo or fetus. Garbha is formed by the fusion of Shukra and Shonita according to Ayurveda. Study of embryology is similar to study of Garbha sharira in Ayurveda. It includes introduction about Garbha, its vruddhikara bhavas, Masanumasika vruddhi etc. Also the whole study and knowledge regarding delivery is totally mentioned in Garbhadhana procedure. Which is beneficial in today’s era. This study is helps to know the complications, any deformity regarding Garbha. Therefore it is very important aspect in Ayurveda. The union of the spermatozoa (shukra), ovum (shonita), and soul (Atma) inside the uterus is referred to as garbha in Ayurveda (embryo). The zygote that results from the fertilisation of Shukra and Shonita grows into a foetus. The appropriate growth of the foetus depends on factors like the Ritu, Kshetra, and Ambu, among others.

Keywords : Garbha Sharira, Embryology. Masanumasik vrudhhi, Artava


         Garbha sharira is one of the important aspect described in Ayurveda. It deals with prevention and helps to maintain a proper health. Garbha sharira can be correlated with Embryology in modern science. A stage from a single cell zygote ( Fertilized ovum) up to 9th month ( 260 days 0r 38 weeks ) a complex organism is formed its total lifespan is called ‘Prenatal life’. Through this process a single cell zygote is converted into a complex organism ( new born ) having billions of cells.

     Embryology is a study of formation and development of the embryo / fetus from the movement of its inspection up to the time, when it is born as an infant1.

Importance of Embryology :

  • This knowledge helps us to understand many complicated facts of adult anatomy.
  • It helps us in understanding the factors responsible for causing congenital anamolies.

Garbhavakranti :

       Garbha is formed by the fusion of Shukra and Artava in Garbhashaya. The study of Shukra, Shonita its devidation, linga bheda, anga-pratyanga development, Garbha poshana and its related Siddhanta known as ‘Garbhavakrnti’.

      According to Ayurveda it includes Garbha formation, nutrition of fetus or embryo, Garbha avatarana, Garbhanabhinadi formation, etc. Garbha is formed by Pruthvi, Apa, Teja, Vayu, Aakasha Mahabhuta i.e. it is an Sthana of Chetana2.

Garbha formation3 :

   In Ayurveda Garbha is formed by four important parts ; Ritu, Kshetra, Ambu & Beeja.

  • Ritu – it is the time of ovulation or Beejotsarga kala. The poorvaroopa for Ritukala is mentioned as Rajodarshana.
  • Kshetra – it is the site of ovulation. Where the ovulation happens. Ex. In the Uterus, Fallopian tubes, Ovary etc.
  • Ambu – it is explained as a Aahara rasa which is formed by mother in the uterus. Which provides nourishment to the Garbha.
  • Beeja – there are 2 beeja which helps for formation of Garbha. One is Shukra and other is Aartava. In Ayurveda there is Shuddha Artava and Shukra lakshanas are explained. Means they are perfect and free from any defects.

Sign and symptoms of Sadyogruhita Garbha[4 ]:

  • Shrama
  • Glani
  • Pipasa ( thirst )
  • Sakthi sadanam
  • Yoni sphurana
  • Stoppage of Shonita strava

Masanumasika Garbha vruddhi5 : ( Month wise development of Fetus ) –

       There are total 9 months for Garbha vruddhi but in some of women’s it can be delayed i.e. 10  months. There development is describes as ;

  1. First month – Garbha forms in ‘kalala’ avastha i.e. it is in unclear shape.
  2. Second month – in this month the Garbha appear like a solid mass which is formed by the mahabhutas. This solid mass of Garbha is in Oval shape then the coming fetus shall be male. If Garbha is in elongated shape then coming fetus shall be female. And if the solid mass or Garbha is in Arbuda shape i.e. Round then coming fetus is bisexual.
  3. Third month – in this month ; there is appearance of sense organs and all body parts of Garbha.
  4. Fourth month – it is important month because there is formation of Heart of Garbha. The Garbhini faces the Douhruda avastha. In this month all body parts are stably formed.
  5. Fifth month – in this month there is development of manasa. According to Acharya Charaka in this month there is pushti of Shonita and Mamsa in the Garbha6.
  6. Sixth month – According to Acharya Charaka there is formation of Bala, Varna. Along with this the Garbha’s nails, hairs, bones are prominently seen7.
  7. Seven month – in this month the all body parts are more become evident i.e. it seems like full term development of fetus.
  8. Eight month – there is state of Asthirata of Ojas8. Because ojas moves from fetus to mother and mother to fetus during circulation.
  9. Nine month – this is the month of delivery.

Antenatal care of Garbhini :

  • For Garbhini, for first five months of pregnancy – the liquid, Madhura, sheeta ahara should be indicated.
  • 6th month – Gokshura siddha ghrita should be given.
  • 7th month – Vidarigandhadi drugs should be given.
  • 8th and 9th month – For safe and normal delivery ; Basti and Pichu should be indicated.


In Ayurveda the Garbhini and its Garbha had been given most importance. Ayurveda provides good health for Garbha as well as Garbhini. It includes various methods and principles like Garbhini paricharya, Sutika paricharya and Ritumati paricharya. In this there is description about various rules, do’s and don’ts which has to be followed by Garbhini. It is very concept in Ayurveda and it has more importance in today’s era for Garbhini and its Garbha. With the help of Ayurveda we can provide a good health for Garbha. Also, we can prevents from anamoly development. According to Ayurveda, the union of shukra (spermatozoa), shonita (ovum) and Atma (soul) inside the uterus is known as garbha (embryo). The fertilization between Shukra and Shonita produces zygote which further develops into fetus. The Ritu, Kshetra and Ambu etc. plays vital role in the proper development of fetus. Different components originating from Five Elements takes part in the formation, development of the Garbha.


         In modern science Embryology defined as in Ayurveda the embryology defines in the terms of Garbha masanumasika vruddhi. It includes fetal care, its growth and Garbhini paricharya, its care and its Aahara-Vihara also was mentioned for better development of Garbha. Because it helps to provide good health of an fetus along with good development of body parts, mind etc. Therefore, the  study of Garbha is very important aspect in today’s era.


  1. D.C. Datta, Hiralal Konar, Textbook of Obstetrics, chapter 4th , New central book agency, Delhi, 41.
  2. Sushruta, Ambika datta Shastri, Sushruta Samhita, Sharira sthana, adhyaya 5th , Shlok no.3, Vol.1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana, Varanasi, Reprint 2015, 54.
  3. Sushruta, Ambika datta Shastri, Sushruta Samhita, Sharira sthana, adhyaya 2nd , Shlok no.35, Vol.1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana, Varanasi, Reprint 2015, 19.
  4. Sushruta, Ambika datta Shastri, Sushruta Samhita, Sharira sthana, adhyaya 3rd , Shlok no.11, Vol.1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana, Varanasi, Reprint 2015, 28.
  5. Sushruta, Ambika datta Shastri, Sushruta Samhita, Sharira sthana, adhyaya 3rd , Shlok no.15, Vol.1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana, Varanasi, Reprint 2015, 30-31.
  6. Chakrapani , Charaka Samhita by Agnivesa, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Sharira sthana, adhyaya 4th, Shlok no.21, Chaukhambha Publications, New Delhi, Reprint 2017, 320.
  7. Chakrapani , Charaka Samhita by Agnivesa, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Sharira sthana, adhyaya 4th, Shlok no.22, Chaukhambha Publications, New Delhi, Reprint 2017, 320.
  8. Sushruta, Ambika datta Shastri, Sushruta Samhita, Sharira sthana, adhyaya 3rd , Shlok no.33, Vol.1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana, Varanasi, Reprint 2015, 33.


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