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ISSN: 2583-3677

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Case Report

Year: 2024 |Volume: 3 | Issue: 03 |Pages: 17-21


About Author

Jamdhade S.B., 1 , Shelar V. G. 2

1HOD, dept. of Kaychikitsa, D.M.M. Ayurved College,Yawatmal, Maharashtra, India.

2PG Scholar, dept. of Kaychikitsa, D.M.M. Ayurved College, Yawatmal, Maharashtra, India.

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Vishakha Ganesh Shelar. PG Scholar, dept. of Kaychikitsa, D.M.M. Ayurved College, Yawatmal, Maharashtra, India. Email:

Date of Acceptance: 2024-06-24

Date of Publication:2024-10-10


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Jamdhade S.B., Shelar V. G. A Role of Ayurvedic Management Kitibh Kushtha W.S.R. to Palmoplantar Psoriasis- A Case Study. AYUSCRIPT 2024;3(3):17-21 DOI:


People suffering from autoimmune diseases is increasing day by day.The exact cause of such autoimmune diseases is not known.Psorisis is one of the autoimmune disease.Psorisis is the most common clinical condition included in clinical practice.Most commonly skin diseases(dermatological disease) have described under the roof of kushtha.Kitibh is the most common type of kshudra kushtha according to ayurveda.Current case study is carried out at L.K. Ayurvedic Hospital, Yawatmal to evaluate the efficiency of ayurvedic treatment. A 12 years old male patient having complain of twakvaivarnya (padatal bhagi); Kandu (itching sensation); Daah (burning sensation); shav_kinkhar sparsh;Hasttal pradeshi mandalotpti (dry thick itchy patches.) which are the clear symptoms of kitibh kushtha according to ayurveda.So he had taken ayurvedic treatment which includes Shaman and Panchakarma chikitsa.The response to the treatment was recorded and therapeutic effect were evaluated through symptomatic relief. Clinical symptoms were significantly reduced.

KEY-WORDS: kitibh kushtha; psoriasis;shodhan, kshudra kushtha



Skin is the largest sense organ of human body,which covers the other organs .It is the protective part of human is also a target organ for many diseases.All the skin diseases in ayurveda have been classified under the broad heading of kushtha,which catogarised into mahakushtha(major)& kshudra kushtha (minor). Kitibh kushtha (psoriasis)is a common non communicable chronic skin disease which having no clear cause of cure. Skin is the mirror which reflects the harmony of internal functions of the body.Any  change in the skin colour disturbs the patient both mentally & physically.This condition causes negative impact on people's life.psorisis affects people of all ages in years..The word Psoriasis is derived from Greek word 'Psora' means 'itch' and 'sis' meaning 'acting condition'. In psoriasis the main abnormality is of increased epidermal proliferation due to excessive multiplication of cells in the basal layers. The etiology is unknown;the factors  which involved are genetic; biochemical and immunopathological.In kitibh kushtha Precipitating factors like trauma, infections, sunlight, some drugs and emotions may flare up. Kitibha Kushtha manifests due aggravation of tridosha especially dominance of Vata and Kaphaa. Mithya Ahara and vihar vitiate tridosh.Which further lead to affection of rasa,rakta,mansa&lasika.Predominance of Vata can be elicited with symptoms like blackish discoloration hardness, dryness and roughness to  touch. Kaphaa predominance can be appreciated with the presence of severe itching as a cardinal symptom. Visitation of tridosh affects twacha;rakta;mansa;&lasika which causes kushtha.These all are commonly called as seven morbid factors of kushtha which are called as Saptakodravya sangraha.Modern medical science treat psoriasis with retinoids;Methotrexate and Cyclosporine and Corticosteroids.But this gives serious side effects to the patients like liver& kidney Therefore ayurveda plays important role in the management of kushtha.Present case study gives effective ayurvedic treatment for kitibh kushtha.

METHOD – CASE STUDY: - A 12 years male came to O.P.D. of Kaychikitsa department of L.K. Ayurved Hospital, Yawatmal with chief complaints of

1.  Twak vaivarnya padatal bhagi-5-6yrs.

2.  Kandu (itching sensation) +

3.  Daah (burning sensation).   

4.  shav-kinkhar sparsh  

5.  Mndalotpti on hastatal.


Patient having No/H/O_past illness.   

No/H/O – DM/ T.B./ Thyroid

No/H/O – No any major illness.

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: - The patient was apparently normal 5 to 7 years before.But after that he is  having complaints of twakvaivarnya and kandu for which he started allopathic medicine like antifungal, antiallergic; steroids etc. But latter on these drugs produces adverse effect on him like indigestion, bloating etc. and with these drugs he gets symptomatic relief for some days. His symptoms worsened as he stopped talking medicine. So, she come to Kaychikitsa O.P.D. L.K. Ayurvedic Hospital, Yawatmal.



1.   Nadi: - 68/min

2.   Mal: - Samyak

3.   Mutra: - Samyak

4.   Jivha: - Alpasam

5.   Shabda: - Prakrut(spasta)

6.   Sparsha: - Samshitoshna

7.   Prakruti: - Vat-pittaj

8.   Nidra: - Anidra

9.   B.P.: - 100/60 mm of Hg

10. Temp.: - Afebrile.  

11. Druk-prakrut 

12. Akruti-krush


1)   Blood Routine: - Normal

2)   ESR: -32mm/1hr. 

3)   Blood sugar: -84mg/dl.  

4)   c.r.p.-positive.


Dosha: - Tridosh. 


Dhatu :-  Rasa,Rakta        


Udbhavsthan :- Pakwashay

Vyaktisthan :- Twacha

Strotas :- Rasavah, Raktavaha; Manswaha.

Rogmarga :- Bahya-abhyantar Maraga.                   

Aapathya_Viruddhaahar,abhishyandi padarth. 

Material and Methods: -

Methods: -

1) A case study

2)Centre: - P.G. Department of Kaychikitsa L.K. Ayurvedic Hospital, Yawatmal affiliated to

D.M.M. Ayurved College, Yawatmal.

Material: - (Shaman Chikitsa)


  1. Pada-avagah with Guduchi and nimba quath.and after that local application of padachira malam was given to patient.


  • Response to the treatment was recorded and therapeutic effect were evaluated by symptomatic relief of the patient. It was observed that the patient clinical symptoms were reduced gradually during the treatment period.
  • Internal ayurvedic medicines like aarogya vardhini vati.; Kaishor guggul vitiate tridosh and then twacha; rakta;mansa; & lasika(saptakodravyasangraha). 
  • Drugs like sariva; manjistha; haridra; & khadir gives relif to the patient on symptoms like daaha& twakvaivarnya and kandu which are main symptoms of kushtha vyadhi. 
  • Charak has explained sariva & manjistha in varnya mahakashay. 
  • Sariva is also described in dahaprashaman mahakashay by Acharya charak.
  • Charak has described manjistha in varnya & vishaghna mahakashay &pittashaman mahakashay by Acharya sushrut. As it has tikta;kashay & madhur rasa it works as kaphapittashamak,which get vetation in kitibh kushtha&it acts as krimighna also.


PROBABLE MODE OF ACTION: - All medicine which are given in these patient are pitta kapha Shamak;kushthaghna&krimighna.which helps to reduce twakvaivarnya and kandu(itching) related with  kitibh kushtha.(Palmoplantar psoriasis.) These medicines also give relif to patient from Daah.


It is concluded that this treatment relieves symptoms in kitibh kushtha. (Palmoplantar psoriasis.) This medicine can be utilised in treating patients who are suffering from skin diseases like kitibh kushtha.


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2) Z. Zaidi and S. W Lanigan; Dermatology in clinical practice, 2010 springer Verlag London limited, Immune system of the skin; pg-185.

3)Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine, 21st edition, Churchill Livin Stone publication, 2010, Chapter-Diseases of the skin.

4)Charak Samhita Vd Y.G. Joshi, Vaidyamitra Prakashan, Chikitsasthana Kushtha Chikitsa Adhyaya Shlok No. 22, Page No. 192.

5)Charak Samhita, Vd Y.G. Joshi, Vaidyamitra Prakashan, Chikitsasthan, Kushtha Chikitsa Adhyaya, Shiok No. 9. Page No. 190

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9)Dravyaguna vigyan Acharya Priyavat Sharma,edition 2012, page no 31

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