Correspondence Address:
Dr.Pooja Suresh Umate PG Sch. Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurveda college and hospital Nagpur. (Email:,Mobile no.9503467465
Date of Acceptance: 2022-10-05
Date of Publication:2022-10-14
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: None declared
How To Cite This Article: Umate P.S., Chawre S.,Gulhane J.D. Ajmodadi Watak in Amavata wsr Rheumatoid Arthritis -A Review Literature.AYUSCRIPT 2022;1(3):79-86
Introduction: Rheumatoid Arthritis is common form of inflammatory arthritis occurring commonly in patients. The clinical presentation of Amavata resembles with Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Acharya Madhav was first to explain Amavata as separate disease in his Samhita. The Ayurvedic approach toward the treatment of Amavata is the need of present era as no system is successful in providing the complete cure to this disease. Aim: To study the mode of action of Ajmodadi Watak and to make encourage its use in Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis).Material and Methods: Ajmodadi Watak is mentioned by Chakrapanidatta in Amavata. In Ayurveda detail description of Amavata is found in Madhav Nidana, Chakrapanidatta, Yogratnakara. Management of Amavata includes Langhana, Svedana, Dipana, Pachana and oral consumption of Tikta and Katu rasa, Virechana and Basti Karma. (which includes Saindhavadi Anuvasana, Vaitarana Basti, Kshara Basti) and Valuka Pottali sweda locally.Conclusion: The contents of Ajmodadi Watak are mostly of Vata kapha hara properties. So encouraging results of Ajmodadi Watak can be seen in patients suffering from Amavata. So it can be concluded that Ajmodadi Watak can be used as an effective Ayurvedic medicine in Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis).
Key words : Ajmodadi Watak, Amavata, Rheumatoid Arthritis.
In Ayurveda health is defined as “The person whose, Doshas, Agni, function of Dhatus and Malas are in the state of equilibrium and who has cheerful soul, organs and mind is said to be healthy”.[1] Ayurveda not only deals with treat diseases but also deals with prevention. Amavata is a disease of symmetrical joint involvement along with systemic symptoms. The clinical presentation of Amavata closely resembles with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Amavata is derived from word “Ama” and “Vata” [2].The word Ama means undigested metabolic waste. The Ama along with Tridosha occupies Shleshmasthana (Asthisandhi) and results in “Amavata” [3] . Acharya Charaka has explained Ama formation due to various hetus like Abhojana, Ajirna, Atibhojana, Vishamashana and Guru, Ruksha, Sheet Bhojana [4] . Due to this causes our Jatharagni cannot digest even Laghu Ahar resulting in diet in Apachyamana Avastha or Shukta, which is just like Visha [5] .Amavata is categorized as disease of Madhyam Roga Marga, because Asthis and Sandhis are involved in it [6]. Diseases of Madhyam Roga Marga are Kashtasadhya i.e difficult to treat. RA is a disease in which chronic joint pain and body pain, accompanied by swelling of some or all joints along with some generalized symptoms. In later stage more joints may be involved one by one or multiple joints are involved at a time [7] .In Ayurveda detail description of Amavata is found in Madhav Nidana, Chakrapanidatta, Yogratnakara. Management of Amavata includes Langhana, Svedana, Dipana, Pachana and oral consumption of Tikta and Katu rasa, Virechana and Basti Karma. (which includes Saindhavadi Anuvasana, Vaitarana Basti, Kshara Basti) and Valuka Pottali sweda locally[8].
Aim: To study literature of Ajmodadi Watak and its efficacy in Amavata.
Material and Methods :
Indications: Ajmodadi Watak is indicated in Vishvachi, Pratituni, Gridhrasi,Kati-Basti-Guda Sphutana, Shvayathu, Amavata[23] etc.
In Ajmodadi Watak, Katu Rasa is dominant showing 83.33 %, while Tikta Rasa 33.33%. Dominance of Laghu Guna is seen with 91.66% also Ruksha and Tikshna Guna with 58.33 % each. Dominance of Ushna Virya is seen with 66.66% and Sheet Virya is seen in 16.66%. Katu Vipaka is dominant showing 58.33%, while Madhur Vipaka is seen in 41.66%.
In Ayurved lots of drug’s formulations are described for various conditions. The use of these drug formulations is depending upon the stage of disease and situation of the patients with Yuktivyapashraya. The standardization of such types of formulations may help the Vaidya’s for selection of proper drug formulation in proper conditions as well as in proper diseases. The management of Amavata is very difficult, no promising medications are available till now. In Ayurveda, various formulations are described for Amavata. The above concept may help in management of Amavata, So that the study on efficacy of Ajmodadi Watak can be useful.
Ajmodadi Watak have predominance of Katu-Tikta Rasa, Laghu -Tikshna Guna, Katu Vipak and Ushna Virya. These properties are helpful for management in Ama, vitiated Kapha Vata, which are the main causative factors in the pathogenesis of Amavata. Most of the contents are of Laghu Guna which also helps in Kapha Shamana, also majority of contents are having Ushna Virya which can be considered as Vata Shamana and helps in Ama Pachana which can further help to relieve Strotorodha. As per Doshaghnata majority of contents are having Kapha Vata Shamaka properties. All these above ingredients in combination can give excellent result in Kapha Vataj dominant type of Amavata.
Ajmodadi Watak is having Kapha-Vata Shamaka, Agnidipaka and Amapachaka. So, considering the action we can conclude that Ajmodadi Watak can help in management of Kapha Vataj dominant Amavata.
Acknowledgement: Dr Sushil Chawre (PG Guide and Phd Scholar),Dr J.D.Gulhane (Associate Professor and HOD) Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurveda College Nagpur.
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