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ISSN: 2583-3677

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Review Article

Year: 2022 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 01 |Pages: 23-28

Critical review of Pandu Chikitsa(Anaemia management)

About Author

Gulhane CM1 , Bombarde AD2 , Bawane V3 , Nawale N4

1Associate professor, MD, PHD, Dept. of Panchakarma, NCT ayurveda College, Amreli Gujarat.

2Professor, Department Prasuti- Stri rog, Govt Ayurved College, Nagpur.

3Professor and HOD Department Prasuti-Stri rog, B.R. Harne Ayurvedic Medical College & Research Institute. Thane

4Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sharirkriya, Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Centre, Pune

Correspondence Address:

Dr Chetan Gulhane. Associate professor, MD, PHD, Dept. of Panchakarma, NCT ayurveda College, Amreli Gujarat. Email:

Date of Acceptance: 2022-02-25

Date of Publication:2022-03-07


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Gulhane CM, Bombarde AD, Bawane V, Nawale N. et al. Critical review of Pandu Chikitsa (Anaemia management). AYUSCRIPT 2022;1(1):23-29 DOI:


Pandu is a Rasa Pradoshaja vikara described by Acharya Charaka. It is distinguished by a pallor on the body. This Pandu symptom has been linked to Anemia in modern science. Iron insufficiency is the most frequent nutritional deficit worldwide, with the highest prevalence among Indians. Due to the vitiation of Rasa and Rakta Dhatu, Pandu manifests symptoms such as palpitation, irritability, and dyspnoea when exerted. In shaman and Shodhan Chikitsa is used to treat pandu. Which is effective not only correct the symptoms but also increase the haemoglobin level and remove the root cause of pandu.

Key words: Pandu, Shodhan Chikitsa, Rasa Pradoshaja vikara


Pandu as mixture of white and yellow colour which resembles like  Ketaki Flower.[1] Acharya Charaka who has mentioned that in Pandu there is Kshaya or loss of Varna or general complexion. It has also mentioned the word "VaiVarnaya" in this disease.[2]2 It indicates that in Pandu , colour of the body become changed i. e. discoloration. Acharya Charaka has classified the Pandu Roga of 5 types.[3] i.e Vataja Pandu Roga, Pittaja Pandu Roga, Kaphaja Pandu Roga , Tridoshaja Pandu Roga and Mridbhakshanaja Pandu Roga while according to Acharya Sushruta has not included Mridbhakshanja Pandu. Because according to him the variety of Pandu caused by Mrid-bhakshana is included in the Sannipatika variety of Pandu.[4] So, the  Pandu Roga is divided into  four types. Acharya Charaka has clearly described the Samprapti of Pandu.[5]

Chikitsa of Pandu Roga:

Line of treatment in General:[6] The patient suffering from Pandu Roga should be given emetic and purgative drugs for the shodhana of the body by the elimination of DoshasOld shali type of Rice, Godhuma and Yusha of mudga, Adhaki and Masura.

  1. Mamsa Rasa of Jangala Animals.
  2. After that, specific medicines on the basis of the aggravated Doshas should be administered.

Ghrita for Shehana: For the purpose of oleation, the patient suffering from Pandu should be given Panchagavya Ghrita, MahaTiktaGhrita and Kalyanaka Ghrita.[7]

Most suitable Drugs for Vamana Karma: Acharya Charaka has mentioned “Krutavedhana” for Vamana Karma in case of Pandu.[8]

Most suitable Drugs for Virechana Karma: [9]

After the patient is properly oleated, he should be given purgation therapy frequently with the Milk added with cow’s urine or Milk alone.

a. Virechana Yoga for Paitika type of Pandu:[10]

The patient suffering from paittika type of Pandu Roga should take half pala of the powder of Trivrita mixed with one pala of sugar.

b. Virechana Yoga for Kaphaja type of Pandu:[11]

The patient suffering from Kaphaja type of Pandu Roga should take Haritaki impregnated with cow’s urine. Snuhi Kshira is also good.[12] As per Acharya Vagbhatta, patient should keep on a medicament consisting of only milk and cow’s urine together for a period of 15 days.[13]

 Treatment in specific types of Pandu:[14]

For Vatika Type of Pandu , the  Sneha Dravya, for Paittika Pandu, bitter and sheet drugs, for Kaphaja type of Pandu, the by Katu, Ruksha and Ushna drugs and for Sannipatika Type of Pandu , all the above-mentioned ingredients should be combined.

Treatment for Mrid-Bhakshanja Pandu:

Means, depending upon the Doshas, different types of treatment given to the patient suffering from Mrid-Bhakshanaja Pandu. However, because of the specific nature of the causative factor Pandu needs specific treatment. After the body is cleansed, the patient should be given different types of medicated ghee for the promotion of strength.[15]

Important Yogas used in Pandu Roga:

  •  Dhatri Phala Rasa + Kshaudra
  •  Ikshu Rasa + Kshaudra
  •  Mantha + Kshaudra
  •  Yashtimadhu Kashya + Madhu
  •  Yashtimadhu Churna + Madhu
  •  Balamula + Chitraka with sukhambu
  •  Shigrubija + Lavana with sukhambu
  •  Nyagrodhadi + Sharkara + Madhu Shitakashya
  •  Salasradi Sara churna + Madhu
  •  Sauvarchaladi yoga
  •  Pandu sudana Rasa
  •  Pandu nigraha Rasa
  •  Lauha garbho Rasa

Yogas which contain minerals :

  • Pravala + Mukta + Anjana + Shankha + Swarna Gairika Churna with Gomutra
  • Akshakashta Dagdha Mandura Prayoga
  • Saindhava Mandura Prayoga


  • Mandura Vataka
  • Punarnava Mandura
  • Shilajatu Vataka
  • Kautajadi Gutika
  • Bibhitakadi Vataka


  • Katukadhya Ghrita
  • Pathya Ghrita
  • Danti Ghrita
  • Draksha Ghrita
  • Haridradi Ghrita
  • Dadimadhya Ghrita
  • Brihatyadi Ghrita  

Asava Arista

  • Dhatrayarista
  • Bijakarista
  • Gaudarista

Pathya – Apathya:


A) Pathya- (Measures which are beneficial to the patients of Pandu): When the alimentary system has been cleaned by the preliminary procedures (Snehana and Shodhana) the patient should be given wholesome food namely Old rice, Barley or Wheat either with soup peppered with Green Gram, Pigeon Pea, or Lentils or wholesome meat juice of 'Jangala' creatures. Sushruta has mentioned the use of drink containing juice of Amalaki, Ikshurasa, Salt and Honey including  Patola, Guduci, and Punarnava, Pakva Amala, Karjura, Rasona, Palandu etc. are beneficial in Pandu Roga.[16]

B)Apathya - (Measures that aggravate the disease) According to Bhaiishajya Ratnavali the followings should be avoided in Pandu Roga- Raktavisravan, Dhumrapan, Vegadharana, Svedana, Maithuna, Shimbi patrashaka, Mashambupana, Pinyaka, Tambula, Sarshapa, Sura, Mridbhakshana, Divasvapna, Tikshna, Lavana etc.[17]


According to charaka When the Doshas with Pitta as the most predominant one are aggravated in the Dhatus, then the Dhatus get afflicted with the result they become Shithila and Guru. Thereafter, the Varna (Complexion),Bala (Strength), Sneha (unctousness) and properties of Ojas get exceedingly reduced on account of the vitiation of Doshas and Dushyas. So, the patient becomes poor in Rakta (Alpa Rakta) and poor in Meda (Alpa Meda) and Nihsara and Shithilendriya and he suffers from Vaivarnya (Discolouration).[18]

Langhana is coined as the best treatment for Rasa as well as Rakta pradoshaja vikara prescribed by Acharya Charaka is of ten types including 4 types of Samshuddhi (Vamana, Virechana, Niruha, Nasya.) Apart from this, while describing the management of Pandu, Acharya Charaka gives due emphasis on Urdhava and Adhoshodhana.[19] In Pandu Roga there is mainly vitiation of Pitta Dosha and Virechana is considered as the best therapy for it. Virechana is more acceptable, easily tolerable and equally effective to all categories of patients.


Thus, Shodhana specifically Virechana help in breaking the Samprapti of disease Pandu by clearing the morbid Doshas, which creates Khavaigunya and thereby relieving sign and symptom of the disease. It has direct affect on Agnisthana and thus also helpful in increasing Agni. Mostly shaman drugs contain contains deepan pachana & Srotoshodhaka Proerty which leads to proper metabolism & formation of proper Dhatus. Madhur, tikta, katu rasa has pittashamaka properties. Veerya property of drugs leads to increased Gastric secretions which is helpful in the increase absorption of iron. Ayurveda cumulative effect leads to correction of Metabolism, Iron absorption, improved blood formation & correction of disease.


  1. Vachaspatyam, 5th vol., Shritaranatha, chaukhamba sanskrita series office,  Varanasi, reprint edition 2002, page no. 4294
  2. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse 6, English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 487
  3. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse 3, English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 487
  4. Prof. K.R. Srikantha Murthy editor. 1st ed, Susruta Samhita, uttartantra ,Chapter44, Verse 3. Vol-II. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia, 2001;pg 729
  5. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse 10, English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 487
  6. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse 40, English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 489
  7. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse 43, English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 489
  8. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse 43, English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 489
  9. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse 56 English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 491
  10. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse 57 English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 491
  11. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse 58 English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 491
  12. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse 56 English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 491
  13. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse 5, English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 487
  14. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse116 English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 504
  15. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse116 English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 504
  16. prof. Siddhinandan, editor, Mishra Govinddassen- BhaishajayaRatnawali, Siddhiprada teeka, chaukhamba,Varanasi, 2007, Chapter-12/143-148,  page no.-388
  17. prof. Siddhinandan, editor, Mishra Govinddassen- BhaishajayaRatnawali, Siddhiprada teeka, chaukhamba,Varanasi, 2007, Chapter-12/149-252,  page no.-388
  18. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse 6, English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 487
  19. Sharma RK and Bhagwan Dash. editor, (2nd ed.). Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter16, Verse 41, English Translation, Reprint. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 2009. pp. 489

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