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ISSN: 2583-3677

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Review Article

Year: 2022 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 04 |Pages: 26-32


About Author

Shelare R.1 , Shah A.2

1Assistant Professor, Department of Prasutitantra Stree Roga, BMAM, NAGPUR

2Associate Professorr and HOD,Department of Prasutitantra Stree Roga, BMAM, NAGPUR

Correspondence Address:

Dr.Rajashree Shelare-Raut Assistant Proffesor,Department of Prasutitantra Stree Roga, BMAM, NAGPUR

Date of Acceptance: 2022-10-11

Date of Publication:2022-11-27


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Shelare R., Shah A. Review of Garbhini Paricharya and its Clinical Importance.


Ayurveda has given great emphasis on garbhini paricharya (prenatal care) which has dual goal of easy parturation and healthy progeny. There is specific food regimen prescribe for pregnant women throughout nine months. Supervision should be regular and periodic in nature and according to need of garbhini (ANC mother) the whole nine month diet is unique stratigy of Ayurveda . in this study literature we have describe monthly dietry habit and lifestyle for whole pregnancy and also the contraindicated things in garbhini.In Ayurveda garbhini paricharya ahara,vihara and vichara has direct effect of mother and child.all of these are aim to ensure normal pregnancy and uncomplicated labour with delivery of healthy baby,healthy mother.Dietetic and mode of the life which are harmful or contraindicated during pregnancy arev known as Garbhupghatkar bhavas and uses of Garbhsthapak Aushadhi in nine m onthof pregnancy,diet pattern applied in chronological order that is liquid to solid diet in order to prevent any complication arriesing during pregnancy and providing better adopting power with the changing physiological state. Along with the aahara medication and yoga are useful and supportive to garbhini also various measure components of garbhini paricharya such as ashwasana (psychological assurance, vihara, milk and madhur group drugs and modern measure of prenatal care like investigations medication and routing checkup has been advice for entire pregnancy period.

KEYWORDS: pregnancy, garbhini paricharya antenatal care , garbh upaghatkar bhava


Mother and child health forming a major area of concern finds special emphasis in Ayurveda, which uphold a complete caring plan in this regard called as Garbhini Paricharya.[1]  In Garbhini life Sagarbhavstha (become a mother) is special event and in this period mother take proper care of herself and baby. Because of maternal mortality rate increases in today’s era, Garbhini Parichatrya is important and needful. Garbhini Paricharya is around care of pregnant women.  The tremendous growth of baby from the moment of conception to the time of birth depends entirely on nourishment from the mother. Pregnant women should follow a careful regimen is known as Garbhini Paricharya. In this study literature we studied month wise regimen according to Charaka, Shushruta, Harita and Kashyapa Samhita.  We also explained modern antenatal care, Nutrition in pregnancy & Prenatal counseling. Due to Aneamia. Viral hepatitis, Hemorrhage (APH & PPH), obstructed labour, malnutrition, elderly primigravida and other abnormalities Garbhini Paricharya is important and needful.   In Ayurveda various Acharya explained nine month Garbhini Paricharya in which mostly Madhura rasatmak (sweet), Drava (liquid) and milk products are preferred. Along with Aahara, Yoga and Vihara are also useful in pregnancy. As per modern view to make sure the pregnancy is intra uterine & not extra uterine, treat complications of first trimester, do laboratory investigations, early diagnosis and treatment of medical disorders.[2]


To review the literature of Garbhini Paricharya by Ayurvedic and Modern view.



  1. To       follow proper            Garbhini        Parichaya       for       overcome  Garbhopadrava  and Garbhovyapada.
  2. To remove anxiety associated with delivery and minimize complications.
  3. To facilate healthy growth and development of foetus.



  1. Ayurvedic Masanumasik Garbhini Paricharya(3) 
  2. Samanya Aahara and Pathya
  3. Prenatal care, nutrition and Preconceptual counceling
  4. Yoga in Pregnancy

Samanya Aahara and Pathya 

Following dietic regimen prescribed for the women having a normal development of foetus. During first trimester of pregnancy, most women experience nausea and vomiting, thus she can’t take routine diet, use of cold and sweet liquid diet and milk will prevent dehydration.[3] By the end of second trimester, most women suffer from oedema of feet and other complication of water accumulation, use of Gokshura is a good diuretics and helps to reduce oedema by its Nephroprotective properties.[4]  Most women experience constipation in late pregnancy due to pressure of gravid uterus over the bowels and effect of Progesterone, use of enema which relieves the constipation. Tampon of oil may destroy pathogenic bacteria.

 Prenatal care nutrition and preconceptual Counceling

Systemic supervision of women during pregnancy is called Antenatal care. It includes age, gravid, duration of marriage, occupation, history of present pregnancy and obstetrics history. In examination, built, height, weight are measured speculum examination prior to bimanual examination should done.


 A. Diet: The increase calorie requirement is to the extended of 300 over the non pregnancy state.[5]



Carrot, Beet and Egg



Dairy product

Folic Acid


Green Leafy Vegetable


2.2 ug

Animal Protein


6000 I U

Vegetable, Liver and Fruit



Meat and Grains


B. Lifestyle

  1. Rest and Sleep – 8 hr at night and 2 hr at noon.
  2. Bowel – Plenty of liquid & vegetable
  3. Dental Care – Good dental hygiene
  4. Avoid travelling, smoking, coitus 
  5. Immunization should be done

 Yoga in Pregnancy[6]

Here is a list of poses & Yogasanas which are considered safe for pregnant women.

First Trimester

Second Trimester

Third Trimester

Tadasana (Mountain pose)

Virbhadrasana (Warrior pose)


Marjari Aasana (Cat Pose)



Uttanasana (standing forward bending)







Garbhini Paricharya is a unique concept explained in detail in the classic textbook of Ayurveda for the women health. The classical textbooks have mentioned a strict regimen of a diet, medicine and activities under heading ‘Garbhini Paricharya’. Garbhini Paricharya is divided into 3 phases: first, second & third trimester. Their dietic regimen prescribed by ancient Ayurveda science for pregnant women helps towards delivering a child having good health.[7] Aahara & Vihara helps as a softening of Apara, Pelvis & waist, Vatanulomana, Detoxification & promotion of Strength. Nausea & vomiting are the main complications experienced by majority of women during pregnancy, scholars have advised liquid diet, use of cold & sweet diet because they prevent dehydration in addition Madhura group is have a anabolic property.[8] In Second trimester, main complaint of women is oedema on legs, so that use of a Gokshura being a diuretic, and in third trimester, women suffers the complaint of constipation for that Acharya Shushruta explained the Asthapan Basti in 8th month, Anuvasan Basti by Acharya Charaka in 9th month. Some Asanas like Utkatasana, Shavasana, Virbhadrasana are useful in pregnancy. According to modern science Iron, Calcium, Protein supplement and immunization provides nourishment of Garbhini and foetus.


In Ayurveda various Acharya specifically mentioned nine month Garbhini Paricharya for maternal as well foetal health by using monthly dietary regimen which helps to keep pregnancy in normal state. Along with this various Asanas medication, Pranayama & Omkara also helps to reduce the mental illness and keep mind calm. By following Garbhini Paricharya, we prevent pregnancy related complications like nausea, vomiting, placental abnormalities, pregnancy depression & also Peurperial psychosis. In Garbhini Paricharya, explained diet is in form of food not a medication so it is easily palatable. It is observed that, along with this Ayurvedic treatment, modern medication like Iron, Calcium, multivitamins, folic acid & protein supplement proves to be helpful to keep pregnant women healthy.


Ancient Acharya very much aware about the need of maternal care during pregnancy. Monthwise Garbhini Paricharya has a greatful scope with modern Antenatal care. The regimen explained in Garbhini Paricharya is in the form of food & not in the form of drug so it is Satmya to everybody. Month wise diet & Pathya is helpful to mother for nourishment, strength of body & overcome the month wise complaint like nausea & vomiting by liquid diet, oedema by Gokshura & Constipation by Asthapan Basti. Along with these Yoga & Aasana are also useful for maternal health of foetus. It improves the chances of normal pregnancy & labour.


  1. Rashmi R.Sharma- A comprehensive study of the utility of Garbhini Paricharya in today’s era. Ijaar, 2015; 1(1): MED.216.
  2. Ajit Virkud, Modern Obstetrics 3rd edition APC publisher, 2017; 35-36.
  3. Premvati Tiwari - Ayurvediya Prasutitantra, Streerog pratham bhag 2nd edition, Chaukhamba Orientalia- Varanasi, 1999; 208-228.
  4. Singh Archana – A critical analysis on nutritional qualities of food indicated in Garbhini Paricharya (Prenatal care)., March- April 2014; (2). 
  5. D.C.Datta ‘Textbook of Obstetrics’ edited by Hiralal Konar- 7th edition New central Book Agency (P) ltd. London, 2011; 95-100.
  6. htpps..//
  7. Dr.Ashok et.all – Aahara Vihara W.S.R. to Garbhini & Sotika : an Ayurveda perspective, ISSN 2455-3301
  8. Vijayalxmi - Garbhini Paricharya : Antenatal care in Ayurveda ISSN 2321-1563.

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