Correspondence Address:
Dr.Megha Nanduji Kathane PG scholar 3rd year, PG Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Hospital Nagpur.
Date of Acceptance: 2022-10-22
Date of Publication:2022-11-27
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
How To Cite This Article: Kathane M.N. Role of Paricharya in Garbhini Or Sutika.
Pregnancy is the most important and critical part of every woman’s life. Garbhini paricharya is the care given to pregnant woman and Sutika paricharya is the care given after delivery in necessary all respectful manner it’s very important for future social impact assessment. Garbhini paricharya refers systematic care provided to the garbhini to protecting the garbha. Garbhini paricharya or antenatal care is most important aspects in Prasuthi Tantra. The proper garbhini charya would result in the proper development of the foetus, uncomplicated delivery and health of mother Ayurveda, the ancient science gives importance to swasthya rakshana and vik?ra prashamana by exploring various procedures like Dinacharya, Rithucharya, Achar Rasayana, Yogasana, Pranayama, Dhyana and Sadvritta for maintaining the physical and mental health and preventing the disease. Wide range of references regarding of garbhini paricharya,Sutika paricharya, masanumasika pathya, contraindication for garbhini and Sutika. guidelines for the management are available in brihatrayi and laghutrayi. Our Acharyas know very well that not only the food and environment play a vital role in the development of foetus but also maternal psychic impressions have their impact on a growing foetus. Ayurveda considers food to be the best source of nourishments as well as medication for the pregnant woman. The nine monthly diet is unique concept in Ayurveda. It changes in accordance with the growth of the foetus in the womb and at the same time ensures health of the mother. The phase of pregnancy and delivery brings adaptation changes in bio physiological and psychological which may adversely affect her health if not properly taken care of. In this paper described monthly dietary regimen and Living style for Garbhini and Sutika.
KEYWORDS: Sutikaparicharya ,Garbhiniparicharya, Aahar,Vihar,Aushadhi
Ayurveda gives importance of caring for the mother before, during and after pregnancy. The health of women is especially important because womanhood represents the capacity to bare the fetus in the womb and to deliver it in a healthy status. mother's body parts like abdomen, flanks, back and genital organs become Mridu and Vatanulomana occurs. The natural urges (vega) are expelled out easily, through their respective Srotasa (openings). All these
factors contribute in the full development and delivery with all qualities and health. mother and fetus and also Thus pregnant lady should be treated just like a pot filled with oil, that is even the slightest excitement can create problem to pregnant lady as well as the fetus. In the modern world women has to manage the dual role both as house wife and as a professional. Hence health of women is very important. The phase of pregnancy and delivery brings adaptation changes in bio physiological and psychological which may adversely affect her health if not properly taken care of. Pregnancy is one of the milestones in women’s life.
Apathy Aahar
Avoid Tikshna, Ushna, Guru Ahara.
Avoid Madaka Dravyas like wine.
Not to take meat,salt excessively.
Avoid dried, wet, putrefied, stale food.
Avoid Vishtambi Ahara, virodhi ahara,vidahi,guru ahara.
Sleeping and sitting places covered with soft cushion or mattress.
During Grahana, go into Garbhagriha and offer oblation to free from the clutches of Grahas.
Wear clean, white ,cotton and loose garments
Living place should be free from insects like mosquitoes etc.
Apathya Vihar
Not to do excessive Vyayama and Vyavaya.
Avoid Divaswapna and Ratrijagarana
Avoid Utkatasana etc.
Avoid Akala Poorvakarma, Panchakarma, Raktamokshana.
Avoid Vega Vidharana.
Avoid outing, visiting of lonely places, cremation ground.
Avoid high pitch talk.
Avoid articles likely to aggravate Doshas.
Avoid sleeping in supine position.
Avoid grief, fear etc.
Give up exciting stories.
Avoid the places where thoughts likely to promote anger, fear etc.
In Garbhini paricharya herbs with special qualities like jivaniya, balya, medhya and rasayana along with a nutritious balanced diet including the daily practise of intake of ksheera, ghrita and navaneeta37. The use of sneha dravyas such as ksheera, navaneeta and ghrita, which are of high nutritional value in terms of carbohydrates, proteins, fat and calcium are also advised. Administration of Rasayana dravyas imparts benefits such as dirghayu, medha, arogya, smriti, varna, deha bala, indriya bala, kanti, vyadhikshamatva. Rasayana dravyas nourishes and maintains the cell life, encourages the growth of new cells, prevents recurrent infection, expels the damaged cells, maintains the balance between mind and body. Acharya advised medicines like brahmi, Shatavari,yasthi, ,vidari, bala, draksha, dadima, sahasravirya or durva, arista. Amalaki, mamsa rasa, madhu, sharkara, gokshura, kharjura, jivanti, ashwagandha. Some of the garbhasthapakaaushadhis are Aindri (Bacopamonnieri), braahm (Centellaasiatica i) Satavirya (Asparagus racemosus), Sahashravirya (Cynodondactylon), Amogha (Stereospermumsuaveolens), Avyatha
(Tinosporacardifolia), Shiva (Terminaliachebula), Arista (Picrorhizakurroa), Vatyapushpi (Sidacardifolia), Vishwasenkanta (Callicarpamacrophylla) etc. These should be taken orally as preparations in milk and ghee.These drugs can also be kept in close contact of body or used in the form amulets to be tied in head or right arm. Sutika is the women after expulsion of placenta and the time period upto 6 weeks thereafter is termed as sutika kala or puerpurium period. Most of the maternal deaths take place during the first six weeks after child birth. During this period certain psychosomatic changes such as, loss of weight, loss of strength, loss of blood, loss of body fluid, laceration of genital tract, constipation, mental stress etc take place during puerperium.
Drink boil water with shunthi, musta, vidanga.
Sutika should be take dashmularishta, jirkadirishta.
Sutika vihara
Abhyanga of abdomen with taila or ghrita then udaraveshtana with big clean cloth. Irrigation or bath with luke warm water.38 Abhyanga with bala (sida cordifolia) Taila, then irrigation with decoction of Bhadradaru (cedrus deodara) etc. drugs capable of suppressing vata.39 Massage of back, pressure of abdomen and flanks then udaravestana.sudation in the yoni,hot water bath after swedan, fumigation with kustha (sausserea lappa), agaru (aquilaria agallocha) mixed with ghrita.
Aushadhi for sutika
Sarpi, taila, vasa, majja with pippali (piper lingum), pippalimula (piper longum’s root), chavya (piper retrofractum),chitraka (plumbago zeylanica) & shringavera (zingiber officinale) churna.38 Sneha with panchakola (pippali, pippalimula, chavya, chitrak, sunthi ) churna or sneha with yavani (trachyspermum amnii), upakunchika (nigella sativa), chavya, chitraka, vyosha (sunthi, maricha, pippali) and saindhav with usna jala for 7 nights. Kwath of lodhra (symplocus racemosus), arjuna (terminalia arjuna), kadamba (anthrocephalus indicus), devadaru (cedrus deodara) etc. guda with haritaki (Terminalia chebula) & sunthi (zingeber officinale) churna on 2nd day morning.
Drink boil water with shunthi, musta, vidanga.
Sutika should be take dashmularishta, jirkadirishta.
Sutika vihara
Abhyanga of abdomen with taila or ghrita then udaraveshtana with big clean cloth. Irrigation or bath with luke warm water.38 Abhyanga with bala (sida cordifolia) Taila, then irrigation with decoction of Bhadradaru (cedrus deodara) etc. drugs capable of suppressing vata.39 Massage of back, pressure of abdomen and flanks then udaravestana.sudation in the yoni,hot water bath after swedan, fumigation with kustha (sausserea lappa), agaru (aquilaria agallocha) mixed with ghrita.
Aushadhi for sutika
Sarpi, taila, vasa, majja with pippali (piper lingum), pippalimula (piper longum’s root), chavya (piper retrofractum),chitraka (plumbago zeylanica) & shringavera (zingiber officinale) churna.38 Sneha with panchakola (pippali, pippalimula, chavya, chitrak, sunthi ) churna or sneha with yavani (trachyspermum amnii), upakunchika (nigella sativa), chavya, chitraka, vyosha (sunthi, maricha, pippali) and saindhav with usna jala for 7 nights. Kwath of lodhra (symplocus racemosus), arjuna (terminalia arjuna), kadamba (anthrocephalus indicus), devadaru (cedrus deodara) etc. guda with haritaki (Terminalia chebula) & sunthi (zingeber officinale) churna on 2nd day morning.
From above discussion it is clear that milk and drugs of Madhura group have been advised for entire pregnancy period. Milk is a wholesome diet. It provides nutrition and stability to the foetus. Hence, the use of these drugs will help in maintenance of proper health of Garbhini and development of foetus. The Garbhini who follows the paricharya creates Snigdha guna garbhini Avastha , that Snigdha guna predominantly of Kapha Dosha and Kapha Dosha plays important role in nourishment which gains strength and delivers normally and easily without any complication. Post natal care (sutika paricharya) mentioned in ayurveda helps a woman to adjust herself socially, mentally and psychologically, to grow up in every aspect and attain proper growth of newborn.