Correspondence Address:
Dr. Priya Prashant Bhagat Associate professor, Dept of Sanskrit Samhita Siddhanta, Shri K.R.Pandav Ayurveda College, Bahadura, Nagpur.
Date of Acceptance: 2022-10-16
Date of Publication:2022-11-27
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
How To Cite This Article: Bhagat P.P. Role of Stanyajanana Mahakashya for Healthy Progeny in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is the unique life science, elaborates the important principles related to human being right from birth to death is mentioned in olden Ayurveda Samhita (Classics). Ayurveda divided in eight branches in which Kaumarbhritya is one of the important branch. In Ayurveda Stanya(Breast milk) is the main source of nutrition for newborn baby. Progeny is said to be healthy when he or she received healthy nutrition. This start when the newborn baby feed on the stanya to get proper nutrition for fulfilling the purpose of further physical and mental growth showing good mile stone of progeny. Sometimes the same purpose is not achieved due to insufficient amount of ‘Stanya’ which not able to feed the baby according to their body’s need which can leads to improper growth of babies and children’s leads to diseases concern with ‘Stanyakshaya’. In ‘Shadvirechanshatashritiya Adhyaya’ of Charak samhita,there mentioned 50 groups of ‘Mahakashaya’ in which ‘Stanyajanana Mahakashya’ which included 10 drugs is important by using which amount of stanya can be increased. These drugs posseses madhura rasa and as stanya is having madhura rasa, its amount increases based on ‘Samanya Siddhanta’ of Ayurveda. In present era it is observed that after giving birth to child some mothers does not have sufficient amount of stanya which can fulfill the babies milk requirement.So using this ‘Stanyajanana Mahakashya’ amount of stanya can be increased which is having a great role to built healthy progeny as children’s are the future of our nations. Hence present Paper elaborate all these aspects of process and mode of action of the same in detail.
KEYWORDS: Samhita, Charak, Stanyajanan, mahakashya,Madhura.
Ayurveda is the ancient science that deals with various important principles regarding life,health and diseases in human being.Ayurveda is having many line of streams (Sampradaya). According to the interest of Acharyas they composed their works in all eight branches of sciences giving importance to a particular branch so that one can get advanced knowledge of one of the particular branch like Atreya sampradaya mainly deal with the kayachikitsa, Dhanwantari sampradya deals with the shalyatantra and Kashyap sampradaya deals with the balaroga1. In Atreya sampradaya Charak samhita is the ancient classics deals with various type of basics principles four limbs of treatments,medicines and many more.According to this line of stream Ayurveda is divided into eight branches as ‘Kaya Bala,Graha,Graha,Urdhwanga,Shalya,Drashtra.Jara,Vrushan’2.Among all these eight branches Bala means Kumarbhrtiya is the important one which is related to newborns and children’s. This is also the branch mainly concern with Kashyap Sampradya. In Ayurveda this branch deals with right from birth of the child up to the mark growth through various mile stone of mental and physical health. This growths is proper when new born child gets nutrition through stanya (Breast milk) of mother in plenty quantity which meets nutritional requirement of baby’s needs. Stanya is full of nutrients which is helpful for the proper mental and physical growth of the child.If one fails to fulfill the normal quantity of stanya requirement causes diseases due to stanya kshaya( less secretions breast milk). In Charak Samhita in fourth chapter shadvirechan shatashritiya a total 50 groups of herbs is mentioned in the name of mahakashya in which stanyajanan Mahakashya mentioned to which one can use to increases secretions of stanya in mother which help to connect emotionally with the childs and also to maintain physical chemical balance like hormonal balance and many more.
Material and Methods-
Charka samhita is the main source of this article. Other ayurvedic classics also refer concern with the subject. All collected references presented in tubular form to discuss and conclusion drawn.
Review of literature
Etymology of stanya –
Stana + ya, n. Milk
Characteristics of Milk3-
1)In General milk is sweet unctuous, cold, galactogogue, refreshing, body-promoting, spermatogenic.
2)Milk is intellect-promoting, strength-promoting, mind-promoting, vitaliser, fatigue-alleviating, destroyer of dyspnoea, cough and internal hemorrhage.
3)Milk promotes union in injuries, whole-some for all living beings, pacifier (of dosas), climinator (of malas ), destroyer of thirst and appetiser.
4)Milk is the most useful in k?ina ( weakeness ), k?ata ( injuries ), anaemia, gastritis, emaciation, gaseous tumor, abdo minal enlargernent, diarrhoea, fever, burning sensation, oedema.
5)Milk is specifically used in disorders of female genital tract, semen, deficiency of urine, hardened stool and v?ta-pitta.
6)Milk is everywhere used in snulling, pasting, bathing, enesis, non-unctuous enema, purgation and unction.
Characteristics of Stanya Sampat( Excellent Breast Milk)4-
The excellent milk has normal colour, smell, taste and touch; dissolves completely in water if milked in a water-pot because of its (watery nature). Such milk is nourishing and health-giving. Thus is the excellence of breast milk.
Characteristics of Vikrit Stanya (Abnormal Breast Milk)
According to Charak Samhita5-
The breast-milk having contrary characters should be taken as abnormal. The features are-
1)The breast-milk having blackish or reddish colour, astringent as subsidiary taste, non-sliminess, unmanifest smell.
2)The breast milk which is rough, thin, frothy, light, non-saturating, emaciating and causing vätika disorders should be known as affected by vata.
3)That which has blue, yellow or coppery tinge; bitter, sour or pungent as subsidiary tastes, fleshy or bloody smell, too hot and causing paittika disorders should be taken as affected by pitta 4)that which is exceedingly white and sweet, has salty as subsidiary taste, smell as that of ghee, oil, muscle-fat and marrow, is slimy, thready, precipitating in water and causing kaphaja disorders should be known as affected by kapha.
Sushrut has classified these under five ,one due to to each individual doshas , vataj, pittaj, kaphaj, tridoshaj stanydushti and fifth one due to trauma6.While Ashtang sangrah mentioned same like as sushruta except traumatic stanyadushti7.
Clinical features of child consuming different types of breast milk8-
The child consuming breast-milk of different tastes or colours has the following symptoms.
1) The child has excessive (in quantity/frequency) feces and urine in (consumption of) sweet (milk).
2)Retention of urine and feces in (consumption of) astringent (milk);
3)Good strength in oil coloured (milk);
4)Becomes very rich in ghrta colored (milk);
5)In smoke colored becomes very famous and attains all the qualities in (ingestion of) pure (milk).
All these features are related with breast milk.
The drugs which increases the amount of production of milk called as stanyajanan(galactogogues)drugs. Stanya is having ‘Apya’quality which means it is having watery nature. Hence to increase the production of stanya durgs must be possesses quality of ‘apya and shleshma’. Apart from this the breast milk contains madhura, kashyaanurasa, sheet and mridu guna. So stanyajanana drugs must be of same qualities . Charakacharya described 10 drugs of stanyajanan mahakashya shown in table no.1.Its also shows the rasa,guna,virya,vipaka and karma of these .All these drugs mentioned above is having madhura rasa and madhura vipaka.
Madura rasa is having jala and prithvi mahabhuta. So according to ‘Samanya siddhanta’and ‘Vriddhi Samane Sarvesham’ all this 10 drugs increases the production of stanya due to apya guna and jala mahabhuta which is the similar quality of stanya.So once the breast milk amount increases mother used to feed child or newborn to fulfill their body’s need of nutrition which result in proper mental and physical growth of baby according to proper mile stone which result in significant one.When such growth happen then the progeny will be healthy to perform bodily function properly to maintain health which fulfill the moto of ayurveda’Swasthasya Swasthyarkashanam.’
This study shows that use of stanyajanan mahakashya is helpful in the diseases due to Stanyakshya to maintain the health of progeny in equilibrium state.
1) A handbook of history of Ayurveda by Dr.R.Vidyanath and dr.K.Nishteshwar, 2nd edition 2009, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office,Varanasi ; page no 92
2)Ashtang Sangraha by Kaviraj Atridev Gupta, Vol-1, Reedition 2002 Krishnadas academy,Varanasi, sutrasthan chapter1 shlok 10
3)Charka samhita by priyavrat Sharma Re-edition2008,Chukhamba orientalia, sutrasthan chapter-1,shloka 107-113
4)Charka samhita by priyavrat Sharma Re-edition2008,Chukhamba orientalia,sharirsthan chapter-8,shloka 54
5)Charka samhita by priyavrat Sharma Re-edition2008,Chukhamba orientalia,sharirsthan chapter-8,shloka 55
6) Sushrut Samhita,Ayurveda TatvaSandipika ,Hindi commentry by Kaviraja Ambikdatta Shastri,re-edition 2009,Chowkhamba Sansthan,Varanasi,Nidanthan, Chapter 10.Shloka-23-25
7)Ashtangsamgraham with hindi commentary by Kaviraj Atridev Gupta,Re-edition2005,Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, uttartantra,chapter 2,shlok-3-7;11-18
8)Kashyap Samhita by P.V.Tiwari ,Re-print -2018,chowkhamba vishwabharati, Varanasi, chapter-19, shloka -3-4.1
9)Charka samhita by priyavrat Sharma Re-edition2008,Chukhamba orientalia,sharirsthan chapter-4,shloka 17
10)Ashtangsamgraham with hindi commentary by Kaviraj Atridev Gupta,Re-edition2005,Chowkhamba KrishnadasAcademy,Varanasi,uttartantra,chapter 7,shlok-6
11)Charka samhita by priyavrat Sharma Re-edition2008,Chukhamba orientalia, sharirsthan chapter-27,shloka 8