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ISSN: 2583-3677

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Case Report

Year: 2022 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 04 |Pages: 99-102

Role Of Ashwagandha Ghrita in Female Infertility.

About Author

Londhe S.L.1 , Pawar S.A.2

1Assistant Professor Department of Striroga and Prasuti Tantra, Late B.V.Kale Ayurved Mahavidyalaya ,Latur, Maharashtra ,India

2Assistant Professor Department of Sharir Rachana, Late B.V.Kale Ayurved Mahavidyalaya ,Latur, Maharashtra ,India

Correspondence Address:

Dr.Shilpa Lahurao Londhe Assistant Professor Department of Striroga and Prasuti Tantra, Late B.V.Kale Ayurved Mahavidyalaya ,Latur, Maharashtra ,India

Date of Acceptance: 2022-10-29

Date of Publication:2022-11-27


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Londhe S.L., Pawar S.A. Role of Ashwagandha Ghrita in Female Infertility.


Infertility has been long standing problem , due to stressful and fast life women suffering from many problems and Infertility is one of them. Infertility causes social and mental dis-tress. In many cases Infertility is due to lack of biological food, changing life style. Approximately 90%of couple suffer from Infertility, out of this 30% due to male cause and 30%due to female cause and remaining 30%may have both.  In ancient texts many herbal treatments are mentioned but not categorized according to the responsible factors like rutu, kshetra, ambu and beeja. According to ayurveda infertility is failure to achieve child i.e., Garba Strava (repeated abortion) and mrutvatsa (having repeated still births) is also included.  Many factors are responsible for infertility like ovulation problem, uterine problem, endo-metriosis, tubal blockage and cervical factors. In this article we are focusing on the management of stress & other infertility problems like cervical factors by using ashwagandha ghrita. In ayurveda we can treat both mental and physical problems by using herbs, ashwa-gandha is best rasayana and best stress relief property.

KEYWORDS: Infertility, Ashwagandha ghrita, cervical factors, Stress, Ayurveda.


Infertility is defined as failure to conceive after 1 year of regular intercourse without contraception. It is inability of women of reproductive age to contribute in conception & woman who is unable to carry pregnancy till full term. According to ayurveda infertility is failure to achieve child i.e., Garba Strava (repeated abortions) and mrutvatsa (having repeated still births) is also included. Many factors are responsible for infertility like ovulation problem, uterine problem, endometriosis, tubal blockage & cervical factors. But now days moreover the current system of living regimen imparting physical as well as mental stress which further affects the capacity to conceive. We also thinking in this article for KSHETRA DUSHTI i.e., 20% women suffering   due to cervical factor which causes infertility. We are taking cervical factor in which cervical mucus acts as filter allowing best spermatozoa to penetrate. When cervical mucus is unfavorable it doesn’t allow penetration even spermatozoa are healthy. According to ayurveda we can consider cervical factor as a Kshetra dushti. In ayurveda we have many drugs with rasayana and stress relief property. From which we have choose Ashwagandha Ghrita for oral use as well as for Uttar Basti.


1)To study efficacy of Ashwagandha Ghrita in Infertility.

2)To study efficacy of ayurvedic drugs in the management of stress induced Infertility.

REVIEW OF LITERATURE- This article is based on a review of ayurvedic texts, materials related to infertility. The main ayurvedic texts used in study are Charak Samhita, Bhavprakash, Sharangdhara Samhita, Modern texts and research articles.

METHOD AND MATERIALS- This study is an open-label, non-comparative and exploratory study. For this study ready preparation of Ashwagandha Ghrita is used. Ashwagandha Ghrita melts and cools to room temperature before use. 15 ml ghrita orally for 30 days and 3ml ghrita for Uttar Basti.

CASE REPORT- The present case study reported of Infertility in a female patient age 31 year with mental disturbance and dryness of cervix. Patient complaining inability to conceive since last 7 year.

HISTORY- Patient married before 10 years after 3 years of marriage she is willing for conception. After taking many hormonal treatment and modern treatment she failed to conceive. She wants to take Ayurvedic treatment, so she came in our hospital. Personal details of patient-

Clinical Examination as per Ayurvedic Parameters 

TREATMENT PLAN- We know that Uttar Basti contributes very important role in treating infertility because it has direct local action in reproductive system. All Ghrita has garbhasthapak property, Ashwagandha ghrita is best for dryness of cervix and to improve vaginal PH . Ashwagandha is vataghan, balya and Rasayana so it’s very helpful in Infertility and also best for stress relief. As it is vataghan, in many cases apan Vayu dushti leads to infertility Ashwagandha is best for this type of infertility. By using Ashwagandha ghrita uttar basti we can treat many causes like dryness of cervix, apan vayu dusti, PH, etc. Ashwagandha Ghrita Orally 15 ml for 30 days. Ashwagandha Ghrita Uttarbasti 3ml for 3 days from 6th day of menses. Follow up- After 1 month Or 1.5 Month (If menses delay)


Patient was advised to remain away from mental stress. Diet suitable for pregnant lady and not to take junk foods. It was recommended to follow treatment plan and obeying good conduct of Aahar-Vihar.








Female infertility is major disorder in ayurveda charkas has given us to understand the newly diagnose disease on the basis of dosha , dushya , lakshanas , ahar and vihara. In ayurveda rasayana chikitsa explained for rejuvenating dhatus means sara bhut dhatu for improving infertility. As we consider firstly stress, stress is due to rasa Shaya and rasayana is best for rasa dhatu Pushti. Using orally ashwagandha ghrita for stress management by doing dhatu Pushti. As stress and cervical factors are very important cause for infertility, so we consider and treated this causes in this study. We know that Uttar Basti contributes very important role in treating infertility because it has direct local action in reproductive system. In cervical factor drug administered locally in the cervix and absorbed by cervical epithelium due to sukshma property of drug and altered PH. All Ghrita has garbhasthapak property, Ashwagandha ghrita is best for dryness of cervix and to improve vaginal PH. Ashwagandha is vataghan, balya and Rasayana so it’s very helpful in Infertility and also best for stress relief. As it is vataghan, in many cases apan Vayu dushti leads to infertility Ashwagandha is best for this type of infertility. By using Ashwagandha ghrita uttar basti we can treat many causes like dryness of cervix, apan vayu dusti, PH, etc. So we can increase chances to conceive patient and one more thing is important as this ayurvedic treatment it has no any side effect.


We summarized and evaluate the evidence underlying the use of Ashwagandha Ghrita in female Infertility. Aartava is updhatu of rasa dhatu. Aartava produced by action of rasa dhatvagni and maintained by apan vayu. Cervical mucus is part of aartava so we consider in this article.

Uttarbasti treats all kinds of infertility as it strengthens garbhashaya by applying proper drug; it subsides kshetra dushti and improves quality of cervical mucus. reproductive system components. Ayurveda pays attention to each individual body types, enhances the body systems participating in the process of fertilization and therefore serves as an excellent alternative for reaching fertilization. One should also follow a healthy regimen along with a nourishing diet and undoubtedly God will reward you with the most desirable blessing.   


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2. Sushruta Samhita By Kaviraj Ambika Datta Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, Edition:  Reprint 2012.

3. Vriddhajivakiya Tantra By Pandit Hemaraj Sharma, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, Edition:  Reprint 2010. 

4. Text book of Gynecology by D. C.Dutta and Hiralal  Konar, New Central Book Agency, (P) Ltd, London,  6 th Edition: 2013. 

5. Yoga and Fertility: A Journey to Health and Healing By Jill Petigara, Lynn Jensen, 30 Jan 2013. 

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7. Ashtanga Hrudaya by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi, Nirmala Hindi commentary, Sootra Sthana12.2007, p193. 

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10. David Frawley, Yoga and Ayurveda, (Lotus Press,  Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, 2000): Pages: 112-115.

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            12. Richard M Sharpe, Life Style and environmental con tribution to Male Infertility. 

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