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ISSN: 2583-3677

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Review Article

Year: 2022 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 04 |Pages: 103-111


About Author

Jiwane SK 1 , Ingole S.V2

1P.G. Scholar, Department of Kaumarbhritya, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Research Hospital, Nandanvan , Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

2Professor & HOD, Department of Kaumarbhritya, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Research Hospital, Nandanvan , Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Shweta K. Jiwane P.G. Scholar, Department of Kaumarbhritya, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Research Hospital, Nandanvan , Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Date of Acceptance: 2022-11-20

Date of Publication:2022-11-27


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Jiwane SK , Ingole S.V. Suvarnaprashana – An Immunity Enhancement in Pediatric Care.


Traditional medicine has been the treatment of choice for mankind since ancient days. In this modern era of mechanical life, children avoid to play on ground and not socializing with family and friends. Administration of Suvarnaprashana – processed gold in paediatric care, is a unique practise mentioned in ayurveda by Acharya Kashyapa, thousands of years back. It helps the benefits of improving intellect, digestion & metabolism, physical and mental strength and even life span. Traditionally, Shuddha Suvarna has been advised to be emulsified with Madhu and Ghruta to obtain a fine colloidal suspension. Suvarnaprashana is becoming popular , being administered on Pushya Nakshtra of every month in india. It needs to be popularized  and promoted as a protective and preventive therapy in today’s era.

Keywords- Traditional Medicine, Svarnaprashana, Pushya nakshtra.


Ayurveda is not only a system of medicine but a science of life which has been use for more than 7000 years ago. The word ayu means life and veda means knowledge.1

Suvarnaprashna is one of the sixteen samskaras which  were described in ancient scriptus by Acharya Kashyapa . Suvarnaprashana is such a Rasayana mentioned in Ayurveda to promote immunity & intellect in children.2

Suvarnaprashana is encapsulated by Madhu (honey), Ghrita (butter obtained by milk ) and Suvarna (gold particles).

Ayurveda is known for its own specialities. Today the whole world is affected with different disease due to mechanical life, food adulteration , bad habits etc. In modern era vaccines produces immunity against specific diseases where as Suvarnaprashana produces non specific immunity along with beneficial effect.2

Suvarnaprashana is a special practice recorded in Ayurveda under the field of paediatric.

It involves the administration of gold to children aged between 0-16 on special day of the every month that is Pushya Nakshtra.


Data was collected from various journals, published papers and bibiliographies.


Suvarnaprashana is a cultural practise in India and has included in Jatkarma Sanskara which is one of the 16 essential Samskar described in Indian tradition. Raw gold is rubbed on a stone with water while facing towards east with holy Mantras and is administered orally  with honey and ghrita to a new born just after birth. Oral administration of lehana is considered to be convenient and safe way in paediatric care. It enhances Medha( Intelligence), Agni (digestive power), Bala (strength) and Ayu (age). It is varnya (complexion), Pavitra (pious), and Mangalkara (good power).3

Preparation of suvarnaprashana-

Traditionally Shuddha Suvarna has been advised to be rubbed on a rubbing stone with water and later emulsified with madhu and ghrita  and some herbs to achieve a fine colloidal suspension. Also it is fortified with medhya and rasayana herbs like Yashthimadhu, Vacha, Amalaki, Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Guduchi, Ashwagandha are commonly used in Suvarnaprashana. These drugs are known for enhancing immune system and also for physical and mental growth in children. Low dose of madhu with siddha ghrita can be used to trigger immune response which help to enhance child immunity against allergy and toxins.4

Role of content of suvarnaprashna as immunity enhancement in paediatric care-


Suvarna has the properties like that of Medha vardhanam ( memory boosters), Agni vardhanam, Bala vardhanam, vrushya, Ayushyakara, etc. these properties of suvarnaprashana can be boosting as individuals. Gold enhances memory power and immunity too. Gold is already proved for its immunity enhancement effects because of its antibacterial actions against different toxins but when combination like madhu and ghrita and some herbs, it enhances its action to stimulate immune system.4

Madhu (Honey)-

Honey is a syrupy liquid that honeybees make from plant nector. Honey has potential health benefits . when honey added to Suvarnaprashana and administered in low dose to new born baby, this child grow gradually  itself developed resistance for allergy and it remains unaffected by allergic disorders and protect against toxins as well. Honey also contains variety of nutrients, Rich in antioxidants, Better for blood sugar level than regular sugar, also may improve heart health, Promotes burn and wound healing, it supress coughing in children too.

Another benefits of Madhu on body-

Evidance indicates that honey can exert several in health beneficial effects including Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Antidiabetic, Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, Cardiovascular and nervous system too.


Ghrita has important medicinal value in Ayurvedic texts. It stimulates mental and physical growth when a drug added with it and also in making of suvarnaprashana. it improves vyadhikshmatva .It has more importance in paediatric care because it provide nutrition to new born until lactation properly starts. Ghrita is the foremost substance if Indian cuisine from centuries. Ayurvedic Grantha described eight kinds of ghrita from different animal milk, among them ghrita made from Gau (cow) ghrita is the superior & Ewe (goat either sheep) milk is detrimental to heart health.

Vyadhikshamatva (immunity) in Ayurveda-

The power of the the body, which prevents development of disease or resists a developed disease is called immunity.3

Vyadhikshamatva was first defined by Acharya Chakrapani in a very scientific manner in terms of Vyadhibalavirodhitvam- capacity of the body body to fight against the manifested disease and Vyadhiutpadpratibandhkatvam- capacity of the body to not allow to produce disease or pathogenesis vyadhikshamatva denotes the resistance power of the bosy or defence of body against first occurrence of any disease. The concept of vyadhikshamatva is made of two words. The word vyadhi means is to harm, to injury, to damage or hurt. The word kshamatva means to composed, to supress anger or to keep quiet or to resist. So the word means to be patient towards resist the disease.5

Vyadhikshamatva in ayurveda is not merely against specific infectious agent of disease such as measles, rubella, typhoid for which modern medicine provides immunizations schedule. Another hand Vyadhikshamatva implies a resistance against toxins in body.

Types of Vyadhikshamatva in Ayurveda-

A . Sahaja bala ( Natural ) -

Sahaja bala is the constitutional strength. The resistance possessed by an individual from his birth onwards.6 It depends on health of shukra (sperm) and artava (artava) derived by parents. If genetic mutation is poor then it carry foreward to next generation and produces congenital abnormalities and changes of abnormal genes or chromosal levels.

B . Kalaja bala ( Seasonal & Age) –

Kalaja bala is the resistance present in the body according to kala i, e. seasons and different stages of age. Those factors are immunity enhancer.

C. Yuktikruta bala ( Acquired )-

Yuktikruta bala is the resistance which is acquired by the individual by following healthy lifestyle.6  It can be achieved by Proper Ahara, Vihara, Yoga etc.

Act as an Immunity enhancement-

Administration of Suvarnaprashana enhances Medha, Agni, Bala, Varnya, Ayu etc. therapeutically it is used in Grahabadha. If it is administered for regular child become Medhavi and Smritivan. Suvarna bhasma has an immunoenhancement, analgesic, anti-stress free, scavenging effect. Clinical studies found it has good immunomodulation, as a physical as well as mental growth promoter. It promotes children health, complexion and strength as well. Suvarnaprashna has moisturizing and better on the body and acts as a nerve stimulant.

Different Lehana by Achryas-

1 . Acharya Kashyapa-

Suvarna prashana


Brambhighrita etc.

2. Achrya charak-



3. Acharya sushruta-

Suvarnabhasma with vacha, kushta, madhu & ghrita etc.

4. Acharya vagbhata-

Sarsvata ghrita etc.7

Duration of Suvarnaprashana-

Suvarnaprashana can be given from birth to sixteen years just on the day of Pushya Nakshtra (once in a month) for minimum 30 doses. Some vaidyas advise it only upto 12 or 14 years. It is administered orally of an empty stomach, preferably in the early in the morning. 2 drops upto the age of 6 month & 4 drops upto the age of 16 years.

Benefits of Suvarnaprashana-

Medha, Agni, Bala vardhanam (improves intelligence, digestive power & strength of the body )

-Ayushya ( improves life span )

-Mangalya ( auspicious)

-Grahapaham ( relieve all bad effects of grahas)1

- protects the babies from different allergies.

- recall memory becomes sharper, grasping power etc.



Children having fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, lethargic, suffering various disease like ENT, kidney, liver, rectal, cardiac, organ transplant should not be given suvarnaprashana.


Brain development is continued upto 2 years and Suvarnaprashana samskara can stimulates brain growth. According to Kashyapa Samhita, administering Suvarna to a child for one month make him Param Medhavi (super intelligent),  & Shrutadhar ( improve grasping power ). It also possessing Balya, act as a  Rasayana properties too.1 Suvarnaprashana has an immunomodulatory effect with additionally added of herbo minerals extract. Ayurvedic Rasayana therapy in light of the concept of modern immunology , specifically immunity enhancement.

Suvarnaprashana is a special peadiatric preparation made up of ghrita and madhu as a main ingredient.  Acharya Kashyapa describe a special formulation namely Lehana which means to lick.

Good immunity of child can protect from communicable disease. Concept of Ritucharya, Dincharya, Rasayana and other other Ayurvedic formulations can improve their immunity of body. Suvarnaprashana act as ayurvedic herbal immunization. Suvarnaprashana is rasayana therapy for children for the physical, mental, social & spiritual wellbeing. If improvement immunity in children, then suvarnaprashana should be regularly upto the age of 16 years.8 It is like ancient immunization technique with no adverse effect and provides good immunity with mental and social health. So, we may infer from the above discussion that Suvarna has provide good immunity  and intellect in childrens. Suvarnaprashana samskara should be needs to run like a vaccination campaign for children. It needs to be popularized and promoted as a preventive and protective therapy.


Children are more vulnerable to infection because their immune system is less or under developed. During this period our aim should be specified to prevention of disease and to enhance physical, mental and social wellbeing of children. Suvarnaprashana is an immune booster used in paediatric care practises. Its safety and efficacy are well supported by the Ayurveda Granthas. It is also states in older days that Suvarnaprashana helps child to grownup with a better immune system and intellectual performance. Vyadhikshamatvam i, e. immunity enhancement resist to any infectious disease and even next generation.

So, from above discussion we can conclude that immunity of child can be developed from conception till birth and after birth with various Rasayna, Lehana, Suvarnaprashana with following some Ayurveda principle like Ritucharya, Dincharya and samskaras. Suvarnaprashana samskara offers multidimentional protection of child and act as an immunity enhancement in pediatric care.


1. RK Meena et al, Suvarnaprashan:An Ayurvedic Immune Booster, Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine, vol 5, issue 3, 2021, 1-4

2. T. Shubhangi, Role of Suvarnaprashana in Ayurveda, IAMJ, 2016, Vol 4, issue 4,617-619

3. G. Anuja, Role of the Ayurvedic Immunomodulators in Paediatric Practice, E-Souvenir, Kumarbharanam, 2021

4. C Madhuri, Immunomodulatory effect of Swarnaprashana in Children, E-Souvenir, Kumarbharanam, 2021

5. K. Kalpana et al, Concept of Vyadhikshamatva in Ayurveda- A key for healthy life, Indian Journal of Applied Research, 2015, 05(05), 425-426

6. A. Vidya et al, Significance of Sahajabala in Vyadhikshamatva, JETIR, 2020, Vol 7,Issue 3

7. N. Akash, Role of Lehana karma as Immunomodulatory in children, E-Souvenir, Kumarbharanam, 2021

8. S. Prashant et al, Immunity Enhancement in Children, E-Souvenir, Kumarbharanam, 2021

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