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ISSN: 2583-3677

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Review Article

Year: 2022 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 04 |Pages: 166-170


About Author

Bawankar.R.J.1 , Hange.D.V. 2 , Pimpalshende.P.3

1Professor & Head of Dept.Rasshastra & B.K. BMAC & RH, Butibori, Nagpur.

2Assistant Professor Dept. of Rognidan Vikriti Vidyan, Government Ayurved College,Nagpur.

3Associate Professor Dept.of Streerog & Prasuti Tantra ,BMAC & RH, Butibori, Nagpur.

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Rupali J. Bawankar Professor & Head of Dept.Rasshastra & B.K. BMAC & RH, Butibori, Nagpur.

Date of Acceptance: 2022-11-19

Date of Publication:2022-11-27


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Bawankar.R.J.,Hange.D.V., Pimpalshende.P. Role of Yoga in Obesity: Co-Morbid Condition in Covid -19.


Obesity ( Sthaulya) has been described as one of the Ashtauninditya disease in Carak Samhita .Obesity define as the abnormal or excessive fat accumulation in the adipose tissue of the body. That present a risk to health.  Since the beginning of the pandemic, reports have emerged that outcomes of covid -19 are more severe in obese patients. Similarly, overweight people are also at increased risk. In modern science specific treatment not available for obesity that’s why practice of yoga is essential for controlling the obesity and to maintain physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, well-being. Aim of yoga is to free one from confusion and dis-stress. It provides sense of calm that comes from practice of yogic exercise and practice of breathe control.  Yoke (Yoga) means bringing together body, mind and spirit. Certain yoga asanas ,pranayama, mediation, practiced regularly have boost the immune system. Daily yoga practices help to release happy hormone endorphin and reduce the stress inducing hormone cortisol.

Keywords:-Obesity, Yoga, Ayurveda, Lifestyle disorder Covid -19.


The good health is defined not only on the basis of physical well-being but also on mental well-being. As per Ayurveda,

    “Prassana Atmendriya Manah swasth Ityabhidhiyate ”[ 1]

Ayurveda is the science of life includes all that is essential to make a man not only healthy, but also happy. As per Aacharya Caraka, life is the combination of body,senses,mind and soul.2.the main aim of Ayurveda is to maintain health of well-being and to treat the diseased person.3

Yoga,the ancient physical,mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. Maharshi Patanjali has compiled various aspect of yoga systematically in his book patanjali yog sutra. Swami Vivekanand describes four types of yoga for purification of body and mind these are Hath-yoga , Karma –yoga, Raj-yoga, Dyan-yoga, Bhakti yoga. Hath yoga is the most commonly practiced. In Patanjali yog sutra Maharshi Patanjali formulated yoga as Eight limbs or Eight-fold path. In Sanskrit known as Ashtangayoga. Ashtanga yoga is based on yoga philosophy which are Yam (Principles or moral code), Niyam(Personal discipline),Asana (yogic postures) ,Pranayam (Yogic Breathing), Pratyahar(Withdrawal of senses) ,Dhrana (concentration on object), Dhyan(Meditation), Samadhi(Salvation).Moreover ,yoga is not a one-day practice but it’s a lifetime commitment.”Chitta vritti nirodhah” described in Yoga sutra means mastery over the modification of mind.4

Covid –19:

World health organization(WHO) declared the covid 19 as pandemic on 11 march 2020.5

In this covid -19 pandemic ,it has been noted that persons with underlying chronic illness are more likely to contact the virus and become severely ill. People with a history of Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, lung diseases, cardio vascular diseases are more prone to covid 19. Co-morbitities and risk factor for patient with covid.6

Patients with comorbidities like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, lung diseases should take all necessary precautions to avoid getting infected with coronavirus, as they usually have the worst prognosis. .

Obesity is a risk factor for hospitalization and mortality of covid -19.Obesity was co-morbid in many cases. As obese people are at a higher risk of acquiring covid-19 ,they need to take some precautions to prevent themselves from getting infected.


Obesity is a disorder characterized by abnormal or excessive fat accumulation. It is a common nutritional disorder in the middle and upper economic societies in India. In ayurvedic texts, Medoroga is termed as obesity. In Brihattrayee and laghutrayee of Ayurveda there is details of cause (hetu), pathogenesis(samprapti), sign, symptoms (lakshane), complication and management of medoroga. Aacharya Charkacharya has defined Medoroga as Atisthoula an uncurable disease. Ayurvedic texts also listed complication of medoroga such as Prameha, Bhagandara, Vatvikar, cardiac disease ,hypertension.7  Due to busy schedule and our lazy nature i.e. sedentary lifestyle   faulty eating habits and lack of physical exercise, diwaswap, excessive eating  are the major factors for various lifestyle disorder including obesity. 8  

Obesity is associated with impaired immunity, chronic inflammation and blood clot all of which can worsen covid -19. People with obesity have weak immunity as fat cells infiltrate the organs where immune cells are produced and stored, such as the spleen ,bone marrow, and thymus. Obese people are also prone to metabolic syndrome, in which blood sugar levels, or both are unhealthy and blood pressure may be high.9


As country battle with Covid -19 pandemic, India”s traditional system of Yoga has been established as a mean to boost immunity ,improve overall health and well being. Regular practice of yoga exercises burns more calories and also helpful in reducing the weight of obese patient.So in this condition daily practice of yoga helps in reducing stress anxiety and giving a good quality sleep & improve lung function. The meditation aspect of yoga helps to lower blood pressure, increase energy levels and boost immunity. Yoga overall help to improve your physical strength but also maintain your inner peace. Yoga helps in reduce anxiety and stress which helps us to lifestyle modification .Daily practice of Yoga helps to boost immunity in obese people as they have low immunity which is responsible for any infection. Mind control for better compliance of lifestyle modification and stress reduction.10 Daily practice of yoga & meditation and trying to lose weight can be beneficial as it can improve the metabolic health of a person with obesity and reduce their chances of developing severe covid-19.

Various aasanas performed in obesity -

Asanas :-- In Yog- Sutra of Patanjali,asanas is defined as ‘Sthira sukham aasanm ‘.Asana is first step of Yoga,which produces laghawata (lightness of body ), sthairya (enhances strength) and aarogya (health).11

Yoga asanas for obesity are as follows-

1.Dhanurasan :- Stretches the abdominal muscles and improves digestive process.

2. Virbhadrasan :- It helps to tone your tummy and give you a flat belly.  Also helps to reduce unwanted fat around the body.

3. Trikonasan : - It helps to improve digestion as well as reduce the fat. This asan increases metabolism and blood circulation and helps to reduce obesity.

4. Sarvanagasan:-  It helps to normalizes the body weight by balancing the endocrine system. This pose is known for its ability to regulate the hormonal malfunction of endocrine glands.

6. Surya namaskar:-   Regular practice of suryanamaskar gives a sound physical body by releasing hormones which help us for harmony in the life.

7.Bhujangasan ; - This asana also known as cobra  pose asana .This asana help us to burn unwanted stomach fat as it stretches abdomen muscles.

8.Vajrasan:--This boosts our digestion and helps to reduce belly fat. It is found to be effective in reducing BMI( Body Mass Index) and obesity.

9.Bhujangasan :--It gives an excellent massage to abdominal  muscles. Regular practice of this asana is useful to reduce fat in various parts of our body.

10.Sarvangasan:--This pose is known for its ability to regulate the hormonal malfunction of endocrine glands. It also helps to normalize the body weight by balancing the endocrine.

Pranayam :--According to Gherand Samhita “Pranayamat laghavat ch…1” it means Pranayam

gives lightness or laghima.Breathing in deeply and breathing out helps to oxygenate your blood and improve circulation.

According to Hath-Yoga Pradipika, Pranayam is of three types 12

1. Rechak(Exhalation)

2. Purak(Inhalation)



On the basis of above description following conclusion has been made. According to our classical texts and modern literature yoga plays significant role to improve the metabolic health  and boost immunity in obese people as they have low immunity which is responsible for any infection and reduce their chance of developing severe covid -19. As obese people are at higher risk of acquiring covid-19 complications ,they need to take precautions to prevent themselves from getting infected for this daily practice of yogic exercises, pranayama  under proper guidance help them to lose weight ,boost immunity, improve overall health and well being. Thus  Yoga soon may accepted as non-pharmacological therapy along with diet and exercise.  It is right to say that Yoga is a way of healthy life.


1.Shastri A. Sushrut Samhita,Ayurved tatva Pradeepika hindi commettary,Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanashi,Sutrasthan adhyay15/41page no.235

 2. Dr.Tripathi B.Carak Samhita vol no.1 ,Charak Chandrika hindi commentary, Chaumkhamba Surbharati Prakashan, Varanashi;2013 sutrasthan adhyay21 verse 42,page no 13

3. Dr.Tripathi B.Carak Samhita vol no.1 ,Carak Chandrika hindi commentary, Chaumkhamba Surbharati Prakashan, Varanashi;2013 sutra sthan adhyay1 verse 42,page no 13

4. Dr.Cough S.N. Textbook of medicine ,Arya publication ,4th edition ,vol.2 16th chapter ,Unit 5 ,page no.1181


6.  Dr.Tripathi B.Carak Samhita vol no.1 ,Carak Chandrika hindi commentary, Chaumkhamba Surbharati Prakashan, Varanashi;2013 sutra sthan adhyay1 verse 42,page no 135

7.Dr.Rajeshwar data Shastri,Charak samhita purvardh ,Chaukhambha,bharti Academy,Sutra sthan adhyay 21 verse 8,9 page no.409.

8. Dr.Rajeshwar data Shastri,Charak samhita purvardh ,Chaukhambha,bharti Academy,Viman sthan adhyay 05 verse 16 page no.713.


10. Dr.Cough S.N. Textbook of medicine ,Arya publication ,4th edition,vol.2 16th chapter ,Unit 5 ,page no.1182

11. Dr.Bargale S.S.Textbook of swasthavritta,Chaukhamba publication 1st edition 2016,page no.256.

12.. Dr.Bargale S.S.Textbook of swasthavritta ,Chaukhamba publication 1st edition 2016,page no.294.

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