International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2023 |Volume: 2 | Issue: 03


About Author

1Assistant Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir Datta Meghe Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Wanadongri, Nagpur

Date of Acceptance: 2023-07-22

Date of Publication:2023-10-10

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Ajinkya Umaji Bondre Assistant Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir Datta Meghe Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Wanadongri, Nagpur Email. Mobile no. 8483998597


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared


Chakras are a topic that is widely under discussion in today’s world, but in Ayurveda this concept existed for a very long time and are widely used in practice till date mostly in the field of yoga as it is believed that these chakras can be activated through yoga only, but what if that is not the only way? In fact, many think that such concepts are not actual truth because of the effects that are described after proper activation of these energy points or the bundles present in our body. So, here we will understand and try to see different concepts related to it. This Prana is what is contained by the Nadis that are present in our bodies which helps in proper circulation and balance of this Prana throughout the body. there are innumerous Nadis in our body which helps in circulation of this Prana throughout the body but there are some primal Nadis which are of extreme importance, and these are three in numbers i.e., IDA, PINGLA AND SUSHUMNA.

KEYWORDS: Chakras, Ida, Pingla, Sushumna, yoga.