Nevagi K.,1
, Warungase H,2
, Gunjal A.3
1M.D.Scholar ,Department of Kaychikitsa,SMBT Ayurveda college & hospital, Dhamangon, Nashik
2Associate Professor, Department of Kaychikitsa, SMBT Ayurveda college & hospital, Dhamangon,Nashik
3Professor & H.O.D, Department of Kaychikitsa, SMBT Ayurveda college and hospital, Dhamangon,Nashik
Correspondence Address:
Dr. Karishma Nevagi M.D.Scholar, Department of Kaychikitsa, SMBT Ayurveda college and hospital, Dhamangon, Dist- Nashik. Email -
Introduction: Kushtaroga is are divided into two categories: Mahakushta and Kshudrakushta. The Kshudrakushta describes Vicharchika. The form of Kshudrakushta that Ayurvedic dermatologists frequently encounter is called Vicharchika. Based on the clinical manifestations, vicharchika is frequently associated with eczema, like Shyava Varna, Pidika, Astrava, and Kandu. Eczema, a chronic inflammatory skin condition, is a rakta pradoshaja category affecting the face, neck, wrist, ankle, and cubital regions, with an incidence rate of 15% to 20% in India. This study demonstrates the remarkable results of Ayurvedic management in Vicharchika (eczema), highlighting its holistic approach through natural remedies and lifestyle modifications.Aim & Objective: To explore the Efficacy of Ayurvedic Treatments for Vicharchika w.s.r Eczema. Methods: The patient, a 37-year-old woman, was treated at an Ayurvedic facility for moderate to severe eczema symptoms. The management strategy comprised lifestyle advice, external applications, herbal formulations, and dietary changes based on the condition's nature (Dosha) and the individual's constitution (Prakriti). Results: The patient experienced significant improvement after 22 days of treatment, including decreased skin lesions, itching, redness, and burning sensations, and improved quality of life in follow-up evaluations. Conclusion: Vicharchika is a chronic skin disease treated with Ayurvedic practices, lifestyle changes, and herbal medicines. Avoiding Pathyasevan and Apathya ahar is crucial for effective management. Further studies are recommended.
KEY-WORDS: Vicharchika, eczema, Ayurveda, case report, holistic treatment, herbal medicine.