International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2024 |Volume: 3 | Issue: 03


About Author

Chandrakar N.,1 , Chandrakar R.,2 , Bhagat P. 3

1MD Scholar, Samhita Siddhant Department, Govt. Ayurveda College Raipur C.G. India.

2Reader, Samhita Siddhant Department, Govt. Ayurveda College Raipur C.G. India.

3Reader, Samhita Siddhant Department, Govt. Ayurveda College Raipur C.G. India.

Date of Acceptance: 2024-07-15

Date of Publication:2024-10-10

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Nidhi Chandrakar MD Scholar, Samhita Siddhant Department, Govt. Ayurveda College Raipur C.G. India. Email Id- Nidhichandrakar94@Gmail.Com Phone No. 8871761835


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared


Introduction: Ayurveda, a holistic science deals with physical and mental well-being. As in Samhitas, it is mentioned that “Dosha dhatu malamulam hi Shriram” means these three are the root of the human body when it is in an equilibrium state it makes an individual healthy and when it gets disturbed it causes diseases. This disease may affect physical as well as mental state. Factors responsible for any disease are Mithya, Ati, and Ayoga of Kala, Buddhi, and Indriya. Satva represents Manas’s constitution; it governs psychic and psycho-somatic manifestations. The psychological and psychosomatic disorders mainly arise due to the improper functioning of Manas. The Manas Roga is also associated with lifestyle patterns and social behavior. The balancing state of Satva helps to cure Manas Roga and this state can be achieved by following the rules of Ahara, Vihar, Pathya, and Apathya. The spiritual well-being or moral conduction helps to establish balances of Manas thus restricting the pathogenesis of Manas Roga. Ayurveda advised Daivavyapashraya Chikitsa, Yuktivyapashraya Chikitsa, and Satvavajaya Chikitsa to balance Satva guna and emotional factors responsible for mental illness. Methods: Various Samhitas, Textbooks, Internet, etc. Result: Nowadays due to socialization and a busy lifestyle, lead to increasing Stress, and anxiety which causes Manas Vyadhi. As Ayurveda says for being healthy Body and mind should be in Balanced form. Hence through this paper, we tried to elaborate on the etiopathogenesis of Manas Vyadhi and treatment as per Ayurveda. Discussion: As Ayurveda is a science of ancient times and consists of overall well-being i.e. Physical as well as mental and in various Samhitas detailed description of mana and their Manas Bhava are given. Various factors affect Manas bhava and lead to disease. To cure this type of disease various treatments are followed to cure them.

KEY-WORDS: Ayurveda, Manas Vyadhi, Psychological disorders