ISSN: 0000-0000
Lagad A.,1 , Gogate V. 2
1BAMS, M. D (Kayachikitsa) Assistant Professor and Ph.D.Scholar, Department in Kayachikitsa, Dr.D.Y.Patil College of ayurved and Research Centre Pimpri, Pune -18 (Maharashtra) India.
2BAMS, M. D (Kayachikitsa) Associate Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurved College, Nanded (Maharashtra) India, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
Date of Acceptance: 2024-10-10
Date of Publication:2025-12-22
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Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
The entire worldly life depends on the combination of mind (Mana), spirit (Aatma) and body (Sharir). This com- bination is likened to a tripod. A tripod can sustain itself, so long as none of its three constitutes are disturbed. According to Ayurveda, is that the mind has a very powerful influence on our overall health and wellbeing. Ayurveda defines health not only as an absence of disease, but also as a very holistic level of vitality throughout our lives. As a result, the Ayurvedic approach to treating any single aspect of our health begins with taking into ac- counts the whole of who we are – body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda classifies the disease as: Sharira (Physical): Affecting the body mainly. Manasa (Psychological): Affecting the mind mainly.
KEY-WORDS: Mana, Manas Roga, Indriya, Mental Disease.