International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2022 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 03

Evaluation of Nimbooka (Citrus limon Linn.) Patra and Nimbooka phala twak for Antifungal activity – A comparative in vitro study.

About Author

Jeerankalagi A1 , Simpi C2 , Rahimbi K3 , Biradar S4

1Associate professor, Department of Agada Tantra, Netra Chikitsa Ayurveda College, Amreli, Gujarat.

2Principal, BLDEA’s College of Pharmacy, Basavan Bagewadi, Vijayapur.

3Associate Professor, Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, BLDEA’s AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hospital and Research Center, Vijayapur.

4 Associate Professor, Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Netra Chikitsa Ayurveda College, Amreli, Gujarat.

Date of Acceptance: 2022-09-23

Date of Publication:2022-10-16

Correspondence Address:

Dr Ashwini Jeerankalagi, Associate professor, Department of Agada Tantra, Netra Chikitsa Ayurveda College, Amreli, Gujarat


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: Nill


Aim-Present study is aimed at comparative evaluation of the efficacy of Nimbooka (Citrus limon Linn.) phala twak and Nimbooka patra in fungal infections and finding out an effective therapeutic agent which is of the prime concern here. Objectives- To evaluate krimighna activity of Nimbooka phala twak Swarasa and patra Swarasa by Serial Tube Dilution method. To compare the results of krimighna activity of Swarasa of Nimbooka phala twak and patra in selected fungal strain. Methods-Agar Diffusion/Cup Plate method to determine the antimicrobial activities of the different samples of Nimbooka Patra and Phala twak. Results-It is observed from the in-vitro study that the drug Nimbooka Phala twak and patra has shown comparative antifungal activity with that of standard drug Fluconazole. Among both the drugs, Nimbooka Patra has shown better activity than Nimbooka Phala twak against Candida albicans where as Nimbooka Phala twak has shown better activity than Nimbooka Patra against Aspergillus niger. Conclusion- At a lower dose of Nimbooka Patra and phala twak is having statistically significant antifungal activity when compared with standard drug.

Keywords: Nimbooka Phala twak, Nimbooka Patra, Antifungal Activity