International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2022 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 03

Critical Analysis of Trisutra of Ayurveda

About Author

Gore VS 1 , Bhatkar AU2

1PG scholar, Department of Sanskrit Samhita Siddhant , Government Ayurved College Nagpur

2Associate professor, Department of Sanskrit Samhita Siddhant , Government Ayurved College Nagpur

Date of Acceptance: 2022-09-30

Date of Publication:2022-10-16

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Vaishnavi Shankar Gore PG scholar, Department of Sanskrit Samhita Siddhant , Government Ayurved College Nagpur.


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: Nill


Ayurveda is science of life and its main aim is maintainance of Health and treatment of disease. It is established on the basis of Trisutra i.e. Hetu, linga , Aushadha which is punyakarak and shashwat ( eternal) . The treatment principles mentioned in Ayurvedic literature are based on Trisutra only . It is also called as Triskandha.Trisutra is for both swastha( Healthy) and Atura(diseased) .  Trisutra is helpful for fulfilling the Aim of Ayurveda . If person is healthy then only purushartha i. e Dharma , Artha, Kama , Moksha is possible to achieved. Trisutra is helpful to attain health for Satva( mind)  , Atma( Soul)  , Sharir( body). Hetu is the causative factor responsible for manifestation of disease as well as health . Linga means symptoms of Swastha as well as Atura. Linga in swastha purush includes symptoms of physical, mental and spiritual well being and Atura includes samanya( common) , Vishesha( Cardinal) and arishta lakshana of disease  and Aushadha are the means used to maintain and promote the Health of Healthy and treatment of I’ll patients. The main aim of this study is to collect ,compile the applied aspect of Trisutra in both healthy and diseased person and its importance in Diagnosis and management of disease . Therefore we conclude that all the concept of Ayurveda are included under Trisutra which is useful to find causative agent , for diagnosis , prognosis and treatment of disease.

Keywords – Ayurveda , Health , Hetu, Linga, Aushadha