International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2022 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 03

The Concept of Viruddha Aahara in Life style disorder with special reference to Sthaulya vyadhi (Obesity).

About Author

Dorle K.A.1 , Khanorkar T.2 , Bhalmey B.3

1Associate Professor, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nandanwan, Nagpur.

2Assistant Professor, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nandanwan, Nagpur.

3Professor, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalay, Nanadanwan, Nagpur.

Date of Acceptance: 2022-10-05

Date of Publication:2022-10-16

Correspondence Address:

Dorle K.A., Associate Professor, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nandanwan, Nagpur.


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: None declared


INTRODUCTION: The nature has taught the man how to be healthy before the science has discovered the laws of health. Sthaulya(obesity) is one among the major life style disorder of Modern Era. In Modern times with continuous changing lifestyles and environment has changed diet habits man has become the victim of many diseases caused by sedimentary habits. Sthaulya is one of them. Sthaulya (obesity) such a physical state where hypertension, osteoarthritis, diabetes mellitus, cardio vascular accidents, impotency. Aahara (food) is one among the three Upsthambas (sub pillars) of body which supports the body. The healthy Ahara is taken by proper method and proportion nourishes mind but improper method can be of various lifestyles disorder Sthaulya which is one of them. The concept of Viruddha ahara is described in Brihatrayee. The diet which disturbs the balance among the body elements called Viruddha Adhara. Methods – All the references of Viruddha Aahara from Ayurvedic Samhita are considered and compared to evaluate and enlighten the concept of Viruddha Ahara in lifestyle disorder with special reference to Sthaulya Vyadi (Obesity).Result – The Viruddha ahara that is unwhole food habits are causative factors for various life style disorder. Conclusion –The wholesome use of Ahara brings health wherase in wholesome food habits food habits can cause obesity that is Sthaulya . The Sthaulya Vyadhi can be presented by following wholesome dietary pattern described in Ayurvedic text.

Keywords: Lifestyles disorders, Obesity, viruddha Ahara, Sthaulya ,upasthambas.