ISSN: 0000-0000
Devadiga M.M.1 , Patil M.L.2 , Kadam M.3
1Assistant Professor, Prasuti Tantra and Strirog Department
2Associate Professor, Prasuti Tantra and Strirog Department,
3Professor and HOD, Dravyaguna Department, YMT Ayurved Medical College and Hospital, Kharghar, Navimumbai, Maharashtra.
Date of Acceptance: 2022-09-24
Date of Publication:2022-10-16
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Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: None declared
Those activities done by our body which helps to yield the firmness and strength are known as DehaVyayama (Physical exercise) in Ayurveda. They bring about the lightness, firmness and capacity to tolerate distress. It boosts Agni (Digestive power) and brings down Doshic upheavals. Menopause is the end point of menstruation. Perimenopausal women experience annoying symptoms like irritability, hot flushes to potentially risky diseases such as Diabetes, Heart diseases etc. Factors affecting them include lifestyle, habits, psychosocial state and familial relationships. Women need to face these changes by engaging in selfcare simply by adhering to 3 basic things - proper diet, sufficient exercises and adequate sleep. Indulging in exercises regularly will yield good outcome on digestion and sleep. After years of animal and human observational and blood studies, it is observed that, a liver protein GPLD1- levels were high in physically active ones compared to who were sedentary. Its high concentration in blood is indicative of empowered Digestive fire. It was observed in mice model that these molecules stimulate the brain cell growth, thereby enhancingits function. This suggests existence of a remarkable communication between Liver and Brain. Hence Deha Vyayama has vital role in improving Physical health, thereby Mental Health in Menopausal women.
KEYWORDS: Deha Vyayama, Menopause, Agni, Physical health, mental health.