ISSN: 0000-0000
1Associate Professor, Dept of Panchakarma, SNKD Trust Nalasopara Ayurveda Medical College, Vasai, Palghar,India.
Date of Acceptance: 2022-10-06
Date of Publication:2022-10-16
Correspondence Address:
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: None declared
Patoladi gana is described in Ashtang Hridaya sutrasthana 15th chapter, Shodhanadigana sangraham adhyaya and this group of herbs contains Patola, Katurohini, Chandana, Madhusrava, Guduchi and Patha which balance mainly Kapha and Pitta Dosha. Patoladi gana is indicated in diseases like Kushtha, Jwara, Visharog, Arochaka, Kamala. The drugs in Patoladi gana are mostly of Tikta rasa and according to texts of Ayurveda, Tikta rasa has Vayu and Akash Mahabhoota as its dominant elements which are having properties like Ruksha, Shita, Sara, Laghu and hence helps to decrease kapha dosha, balance the heat caused by aggravated Pitta dosha and detoxify Rakta dhatu by their Raktaprasadana property. Kamala is a disease primarily of Pitta dosh and dushya Rakta Dhatu and hence Patoladi gana can be used for management of Kamala.
Key-Words: Patoladi gana, Kamala, Vayu,Shita, Tikta rasa.