International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2022 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 04


About Author

Kadu V.P.1 , Chandurkar G.M.2

1HOD & Professor, Kayachikitsa Depatment, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved College & Research Hospital, Butibori, Nagpur

2Assistant professor, Kayachikitsa Department, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved College & Research Hospital, Butibori, Nagpur

Date of Acceptance: 2022-10-03

Date of Publication:2022-11-27

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Vrinda P. Kadu HOD & Professor, Kayachikitsa Depatment, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved College & Research Hospital, Butibori, Nagpur


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared


Parenthood is an eternal blessing. In today’s era due to competitive life, new generation desire child bestowed with good health, supreme intellect and wisdom. But, In today’s effluent societies, due to carrier orientation, and busy life schedule, people are not paying attention towards marital age, healthy daily routines, seasonal  regimen and  outcome  of  these  unhealthy  habits  is  emerging  out  in  the  form  of various  disorders  influencing  physical,  psychological  and  reproductive outcome. Acharya Charaka has explained unique drug classification according to its action known as Charakokta Mahakashaya. Prajasthapan Mahakashaya is amongst it. The drugs in Prajasthapan Mahakashaya has active principles which acts as fertility modulator. Many conditions can cause disturbance of Garbhotpadak Samagris which are the basic factors in Garbhotpatti that is Rutu (fertile period), Kshetra (healthy reproductive system), Ambu (nutrition for the foetus) and Beej (ovum). Prajasthapan Mahakashaya includes 10 herbs as- Brahmi, Aindri, Shatavari, Doorva, Patala, Guduchi, Haritaki, Kutaki, Bala, and Priyangu having some specific actions called as Prabhava. Drugs in this Kashaya helps to remove Doshas from female reproductive system, improves strength and promotes conception. It also has Rasayana properties through which it improves qualities of Dhatus and improves rejuvenation. We can use this Kashaya in all conditions involving obstruction in the path of conception and leads excellence in progeny. This is a literary study based on review of Prajasthapan Mahakashaya and female infertility & healthy progeny.

KEYWORDS: Prajasthapan gana, healthy progeny, Female infertility.