International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2022 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 04

Role Of Ashwagandha Ghrita in Female Infertility.

About Author

Londhe S.L.1 , Pawar S.A.2

1Assistant Professor Department of Striroga and Prasuti Tantra, Late B.V.Kale Ayurved Mahavidyalaya ,Latur, Maharashtra ,India

2Assistant Professor Department of Sharir Rachana, Late B.V.Kale Ayurved Mahavidyalaya ,Latur, Maharashtra ,India

Date of Acceptance: 2022-10-29

Date of Publication:2022-11-27

Correspondence Address:

Dr.Shilpa Lahurao Londhe Assistant Professor Department of Striroga and Prasuti Tantra, Late B.V.Kale Ayurved Mahavidyalaya ,Latur, Maharashtra ,India


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared


Infertility has been long standing problem , due to stressful and fast life women suffering from many problems and Infertility is one of them. Infertility causes social and mental dis-tress. In many cases Infertility is due to lack of biological food, changing life style. Approximately 90%of couple suffer from Infertility, out of this 30% due to male cause and 30%due to female cause and remaining 30%may have both.  In ancient texts many herbal treatments are mentioned but not categorized according to the responsible factors like rutu, kshetra, ambu and beeja. According to ayurveda infertility is failure to achieve child i.e., Garba Strava (repeated abortion) and mrutvatsa (having repeated still births) is also included.  Many factors are responsible for infertility like ovulation problem, uterine problem, endo-metriosis, tubal blockage and cervical factors. In this article we are focusing on the management of stress & other infertility problems like cervical factors by using ashwagandha ghrita. In ayurveda we can treat both mental and physical problems by using herbs, ashwa-gandha is best rasayana and best stress relief property.

KEYWORDS: Infertility, Ashwagandha ghrita, cervical factors, Stress, Ayurveda.