International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2022 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 04


About Author

Damahe S.V.1 , Ingole V.S2

1P.G. Scholar, Department of Kaumarbhritya, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Research Hospital, Nandanvan, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

2Professor & HOD, Department of Kaumarbhritya , Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Research Hospital, Nandanvan, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

Date of Acceptance: 2022-10-14

Date of Publication:2022-11-27

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Sandip V. Damahe P.G. Scholar, Department of Kaumarbhritya, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Research Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra.


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared


Kaumarbhritya is one of the important branches in Ayurveda. Children’s are unable to express themselves, dependent on guardians or needed nursing for rapid continuous process of growth & development. In ayurveda samskara are introduced as samskarao hi gunantadharanam means qualitative improvement is carried out. The number of samskara are varies in different granthas nearly 16-40 , in which 16 samskaras or rites of passage are performed in today’s era from birth to end in a hindu dharma. These samskara are related to proper growth & development of foetus to child. Samskara are combinations of powerful mantras & procedure of yadyna associated with each of these rituals had resulted from long term dedicated research conducted by Achryas. It is highly individualize & got its impact on producing qualitative society,  it impacts on child mind , body & intellect as well. So, that they may become a full-fledged member of the community,  hence, word samskaras suggest concept of growth and development milestones of a growing child.

Keywords- Shodasha samskara, growth and development , sacraments